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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. I'm thinking more from the standpoint of the nightmare of getting everything and everyone organized and getting the kids home safely. As long as they are in to a certain point, the day counts.
  2. Sure, Cobb knows they are there. That isn't what we're discussing, though. But since you've brought that up ... if the property owner is permitting them to be on the property, what right does Cobb have to go up to them and demand proof of their legal right to be in this country? Much as I'd love to see all illegals go back to where they started and get here the right way, we can't let that override our common sense. It's a very short hop and skip to a police state if we allow our officers to be able to demand papers from anyone on the street without probable cause, don't you think? Now, i
  3. Just a reminder ... the next one here in Paulding is: WellStar Paulding Hospital Monday, March 1 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  4. I just really hope that the schools don't end up having to close early.
  5. I have to disagree. I think it is working. Really, how many illegals do you think would have been on that job up until recently? And a big to the group that found that one guy that was working on the project. I absolutely believe that Zebra (the sub sub contractor) should be completely pulled from the job and should go on a list of contractors not permitted to work on government jobs for a period of 3-5 years. I also believe they absolutely should be fined. They weren't duped by counterfeit paperwork. They did not do their job in checking the guy out and I firmly believe they knew his
  6. The sub sub contractor did not use it. Since they were brought onto the project under the umbrella of the primary contractor, it is the primary's responsibility.
  7. If the contractor was accepted for the job based on their use of it, it is their responsibility to ensure that everyone under them is clear. All of that aside, the proposed bill still would have no play in this case as Cobb did not "knowingly" hire any illegals.
  8. I know that explaining things like stealth response calls and calls being canceled will go right by without ever sinking in so I won't bother. I will point out that filming while driving using a device like you're talking about makes you every bit as dangerous, if not more so, as the drivers who text and put make up on and breastfeed their baby and read the paper and so on and so forth. If you mount a camera in a manner in which you can use it hands free, by all means you should do so. Video evidence to accompany a written complaint will go a long way in correcting the few bad LEOs that mak
  9. If you don't believe in what you're selling, don't sell it.
  10. As scary as this is to "say" ... I agree with MCM. Maybe I missed something but I don't see how this bill would have changed a single thing in the Cobb situation. Cobb did not knowingly employ anyone to do anything. One of their contractors did. And as soon as it was brought to Cobb's attention, it was addressed/handled.
  11. NWS still calling the line from Atlanta to Athens. Guess we'll all know once it's actually here. And at "So, will there be school tomorrow?" That took longer than I expected.
  12. Or maybe it was that the trooper was there at the time and saw you.
  13. Y'all need to be very careful getting home and getting in the house. Are they still saying Saturday?
  14. Makes sense that FFX County cave-in was there ... they have some of the best specialized units in the country.
  15. 2-3 inches on a Friday would be great. All us snow freaks could get our fix and it'll be gone before work/school on Monday.
  16. Gotcha. Is it just my imagination or am I coming across a bit caustic this morning?
  17. In times as financially tight as these, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if the cost factor was a huge part of making this decision. It works for me. The kids won't even notice the extra 15 minutes each day but they sure would notice being there extra days.
  18. Sorry ... thought you had inside access to the pictures. IAD does have their own but both Loudoun and Fairfax provide mutual aid there frequently. (I was with the Rescue Squad in Loudoun that responded to the airport. In fact, we were part of the initial response for certain calls as well as being a back up plan if they were busy.)
  19. Paulding County should be proud. Though there had been hope of reaching 100 pints, the true goal set by the Red Cross for this event was 73 points. And the total was ... 78!!! Well done, Paulding. 90 donors where signed in but weren't able to give for various reasons. For those that had to leave because of time constraints, please don't let that deter you from trying again another time. (In fact, there's another one planned soon at the hospital.) Some folks were turned away before they even signed in because of antibiotics, etc. Sounds to me like, had everything been perfect, we would h
  20. I'm crystal clear ... I lived right there. I was asking which agency we were seeing in the picture ... which fire department/rescue crew.
  21. Of course it shouldn't be forgotten but it is ridiculous to mention it every single time the discussion turns to LEOs. And I assure you, I am anything but naive regarding Law Enforcement. No matter what anyone posts, you will continue to believe that all are from the same cloth. You go right ahead and continue to believe that. Just know that it won't be held against you when you need them. No matter how much you hate them, they'll still be there.
  22. Can't tell from the picture ... is that airport FD, Loudoun (Sterling) FD, or Fairfax FD?
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