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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. I use both sweet cornbread and a crusty french bread...
  2. Veggie tray Deviled eggs Southern Comfort Turkey Spiral sliced Ham Mashed potatoes & gravy Stuffing (cornbread) Grandma's potato casserole Green bean casserole Pea salad Baked beans Homemade dinner rolls 2 Pumpkin pies Wine & Beer
  3. I agree 100%... I advocated for better zoning and impact fees many times on this board, the bad decisions are done and now is the time to move forward... I have never voted for Glenn but that does not prevent me having compassion; it takes courage to be open and honest about such a private painful matter... Those who may delight in the downfall of others will also suffer their own karmic justice : Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. - Confucius
  4. I can see both sides of this one : Unnecessary radiation to the chest is never a good idea, and any anomaly can trigger the anxiety and stress of more invasive procedures... Having had several chest Xrays and radiological bone scans in my younger years makes me hesitant to have one unless necessary... (I am only 37 and my doctor concurs...) My Mom was deathly terrified by a biopsy that turned out to be nothing. On the other hand, my Aunt's life was saved by early mammogram detection.
  5. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli...
  6. Me & three other ladies had a yard sale this past Saturday that was very successful... Lots of traffic and customers all day long, there are many people out looking for bargains this year. Good luck.
  7. I agree that the depths of depression are very hard to appreciate in full unless you have been there... I would not wish that hopeless pain and desperation on my worst enemy, but that does not mean that he is incapable of performing his duties as speaker... He is getting help and deserves support for his honesty and bravery in voluntarily disclosing a very private and painful situation.
  8. It was a very subtle sarcastic remark, and obviously it was lost in translation... (shrugs)
  9. Just a reminder : Joe Biden is one heartbeat away from the presidency...
  10. To old D.H. Lawrence... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySgOds3bzcc
  11. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/187311-real-tree-v-fake-tree/page__p__2464178__fromsearch__1&do=findComment&comment=2464178
  12. The ultimate thread killer. (I crack up every time I see this one...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGAPhLK8qdk
  13. Born and raised in Kansas, moved to NE Georgia 20 years ago... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0-um0pHTAg&feature=PlayList&p=75F2B5DC563D1C11&index=0
  14. If you are toast then I am going to be burnt toast... Confirm that you can see this so I know that I am not invisible...
  15. I could not post a simple video jukebox thread...
  16. Did anyone else try to click the plus / minus buttons at the bottom of the posts ???
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