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Everything posted by adam&jessica

  1. You were the one that brought up the subject. I specifically said whites are committing crimes, but not nearly at the rate of black youth. And the crimes tend to be more petty. While it's possible that some judges do sentence black youth harder than white youth, some judges do the opposite to avoid being called racists. I think most of us that talked about the crime rate was to say that it was a problem, and that people in general should work to solve that problem, rather than to down your race. Almost all of the black people I know agree with me in that something must be done to try to curb b
  2. Not much needs to be done specifically to help deter white youth from going to jail. The percentages are much, much lower than with the black community. When that large of a percentage of the youth in one group is headed towards jail, you know you have a huge issue, and something must change. You aren't seeing the big picture here. I'm not quite sure why some of you are apologizing to this person. They aren't responding to anyone's questions, and continue to just throw out the race card like she's Jesse Jackson.
  3. That may be cheaper, but I'm not sure it'll fix everything long term.
  4. No, not possible, AJC faithfully reports everything that goes on in Paulding. Don't they?
  5. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. However, in this case, you are so hypersensitive to racism that you see it even where it does not exist. That's why you need counseling, or at least a bit of therapy. If you read this whole thread with a open mind, and without actively looking for anything that might be racist, the only posts you'd see that would look racist are yours. Throwing the race card out too much is racism.
  6. You need some major counseling. It seems to me that the most racist person in this thread is you. Ebonics affects someone's job prospects. You can't do a customer service job in an area where people do not speak ebonics if you can't speak proper english, or at least something close. You won't get 3 minutes into an interview if you speak to a hiring manager like that. When you combine a very Neo-African (like a black friend I have whose name was Courtney, but changed it to Shaniqua) name, ebonics, and poor dressing habits, you won't get the interview in the first place.. Speaking like a red
  7. You made their point. Their point is that people who claim that young black males can't help being thrown in jail are full of crap.
  8. My grandma wouldn't have done anything to us at the time, she would have just called my Grandpa, or the nearest person she knew, and had them come over and do it. Trust me, none of us grandkids ever disrespected my grandma, we knew we might not be able to sit down again for a long time if we did. It seems like kids have gotten worse even in the last 5 years since I graduated. I can't help but wonder how much worse it'll get before parents just don't discipline their kids at all.
  9. Drop the race card. Please. It does no one any good, and should have been thrown out years ago.
  10. Someone struck a nerve. That's probably not what she meant, I didn't take it that way. Not sure why you did.
  11. Yeah, that area. I managed to almost get stopped, couldn't get over because there was too much traffic, and I knew throwing my E-break might make the car go sideways, and I'd rather rear end someone while going less than 5 mpg than sideswipe someone. Those patches aren't supposed to be left like that, they are supposed to be paved over because they get slick. It took the cop 30 mins to get there, and probably 1.5 hours to write it up.
  12. They need to change who registers as a sex offender. Statutory rape should not have to register, and some other minor offenses should not. Or else have them just register for a year or two. The kids in my high school were convicted of forcible rape, and the other of sexual assault. Not minor offenses. Alot of 15 year olds are tried as adults. Alot of them need to be too.
  13. You're not kidding. I hit the person at like 4 mpg, because it was wet, and they slammed their brakes on suddenly on 278 for absolutely no reason. No damage, but after the woman got off the phone with her husband, she suddenly developed whiplash, and decided to call the cops. As a side note, does anyone know why no one has repaved 278 in all those spots where they put down the temporary rubber patching that get slick when it rains?
  14. I've sent over 400, in more than one state, and have gotten exactly one interview, for a part time $8 job. So don't feel bad. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm not going to get a job at all if someone I know doesn't put in a good word for me.
  15. I think they are very selfish, you can see that the kids get very little individual attention. Also, I'd read an article before that they did receive fairly massive govt assistance before they got their tv show and corporate sponsorships. It was a long time ago, I'll see if I can dig it up. HAHAHAHA
  16. I got one for following too closely in Hiram a few months ago, it was like $330.
  17. I actually got blackmailed by city of Atlanta a little over a year ago. I got pulled over for going the wrong way on a one way, and when they pulled me over, they said it showed I had a unpaid ticket, so my license was suspended. I ended up getting released on the charges, and told to appear in court (because the cop knew a cousin of mine who also worked for APD). Anyhow, I get to court with the documentation showing that I had no unpaid tickets, that Paulding had just stupidly not reported to DDS that I paid my ticket, and that therefore, I should never have had a suspended license. And I als
  18. The first ticket I ever got was in New Hope, for supposedly running a red light when I worked at Dominos. Funny thing is that two of my coworkers were sitting at the Walgreens there, and waved at me as I went past, and they both also said it was still green. The cop said it was only a green arrow. Mind you it took him til I got to dominos to turn his lights on, which made me think that maybe he wasn't as sure as he acted. But of course I lost, even though his dash cam wasn't facing the red light, and he had no proof.
  19. What I don't understand is why they don't make registered sex offenders who are still in high school go to an alternative school, or have some special provisions. I've heard of female students, and even once about a male student being sexually assaulted in schools, and it seems like you make it all the more likely if you allow known sexual predators to mingle freely with all the students who don't even know that those people could be a danger to them.
  20. Both myself and Jessica have seen tons of people pulled over on 278 in that area as well. I actually saw a few months ago where GSP stopped traffic to make it back up, and then anyone who went around in the median to get in the turn lane early was made to pull over to the side so they could get in line for a ticket. I think something must be up, it's getting to the point that they are manipulating traffic to create tickets.
  21. I hate every time I see those stats on minorities, especially young black males, in jail. Some people insist that means they are targeted, but I can't help but ask, is it possible that maybe more young black men are in jail because more young black men commit crimes than young white men? And that the young black men that commit crimes tend to do so repeatedly, like the kids I saw released at the YDC who'd be back on the inside within 48 hours, because they'd decide to break into someone's car, or steal something, or go smoke some weed on the sidewalk where everybody that goes by can see them.
  22. We had two convicted sex offenders that attended class at my high school. Both were initially prosecuted as juveniles, but their cases got transferred, and they ended up being convicted as adults. The screwy thing is that they attended the regular classes, and no one knew til myself and a few friends got bored one day at school and started looking at the sex offender database to see if we knew anyone, and lo and behold we find those two. Even the teachers and at least one assistant principal(who was also our AP teacher) didn't know, and were a bit disturbed. The convictions on those two were,
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