the 1st time we went (in the old building) they had meat sticks that were WAY out about gross. There are a few things I will use outta date (stuff that went outta date after I bought it) but not meat products.
the one that is DRIVING ME NUTS is the boys that need hair cuts!!!!!!!!!! my 12 yr old needed a hair cut months ago but its the cool thing now and his hair is driving me n hubby crazy
ours was very hecktic!! I was stressed out big time. I think open house needs to be more then just 2 hours, everyone rushes in at the same time and its just way too many cars and people for the space
all you gotta do is make the kids go outside to play with stuff like this. My kids love the stuff but its an outside toy here..just give em a plastic tray and they are happy
we tried it the other day and the food was pretty good but the waiter was not so great. We were not the only one that was not all that happy with the waiter