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Everything posted by sutler

  1. Around the area of Paulding , Cobb or Douglas.
  2. Who has the best: Onion rings? Hamburgers?
  3. With all the beheading going on, killings, bombing, etc.etc.etc, maybe we need more teaching of morals, ethics and religion to establish a "good" understanding of what is right or wrong. BTW, I do not preach religion or belittle others for their religious beliefs unless it encourages doing wrong and not right or killing of others.
  4. It was erratic but may be getting better.
  5. Not to get off the specific subject, there was already an expected shortage of teachers in the next five to ten years. Now with the changes in the state insurance and changes in the retirement plan for state workers, many perspective teachers will go somewhere else to teach and many will get out of the profession. There is also a morale problem with the teachers that is growing more and more.
  6. It seems that the area HS games and school activities are not of interest to people on sites.
  7. My window frames need repair and possible replacing. The weather has deteriorated the wood. I need a good repairman quickly.
  8. I always enjoyed watching him on TV. He acted with a sense of humor and wit.
  9. Set up a closed circuit TV to her room with cameras so she can be seen as the questions are asked and she can be seen responding. But I think nothing like this will be done. Also, how about all those bonuses she got. Can she be forced to give it back to the schools? I forgot she had hat vacation to Hawaii where she probably spent the money.
  10. I know of several jobs personally that requires employees to dress a certain way, be at work at certain times and at times, stay longer, etc. If you accept the job, you have to do what is required by the owner. We are in America and it has been an English speaking nation for over 200 years.
  11. Only if she chose to use birth control or maybe she did and it didn't work. As American citizens, we were given certain rights. The government has been taking some of these away from us. There are many opinions about each "act" that puts American citizens in danger of losing more freedoms. Just an opinion.
  12. Dr. Pesson will be working in the Cartersville Harbin Clinic Orthopedic office. He bought a farm in Adairsville and is re-locating up there.
  13. I appreciate the help but the area I am interested in is almost exactly in the middle between Clearwater and P.C. There doesn't seem to be much of a beach or motels in that area. It all seems to be a preserve or nature area. Does anyone have any experience at Amelia Island? (Yes , I know that is on the northeast coast of Fl.)
  14. Does anyone know of a beach or resorts between Panama City and Clearwater
  15. Smith (or Smith Brothers) Plumbing. Great workers.
  16. As far as Korea, that may have been the result of a treaty or agreement. It seems like in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, we simply gave up and left. We need to finish what we start or don't do it. Use the technology and massive weapons we have developed to end the armies of our enemies. Churchill asked (begged) Roosevelt to stop the massive bombing over France and Germany. Roosevelt said not until we won the war. Guess what happened. Some historians are already saying that Obama will be remembered as the worst President in the modern era and he still has time to make it worse.
  17. You can't rely on the rich to be responsible for all the problems. The lazy, irresponsible are the ones I worry about. We need better management of the revenues and less "below the table" deals. I actually believe if there is no defense, there will be no schools to teach students. Both are accessible if managed correctly.
  18. It doesn't make much difference how much you spend when you are not spending for the right things. That goes for the defense and education. I have read news articles about defense contracts that are giving away the country to contractors that are not doing their jobs. I constantly hear stories from the county teachers about inappropriate spending. If it happens here, think of the bigger scale of miss-spending.
  19. I think it is a shame that we can't go to a hospital that is next door and have to go to Kennestone to have a positive hospital experience. Yes I have been to the PC ER in the past and did find some poor service. I guess it's like the rest of the county where your "good buddy" gets the job. I've seen that in the school system, Commission, etc.
  20. Phone number for Roberson?
  21. First of all, people from EPHS do not know he is leaving. What's the deal with that? Secondly, they can always pay a lot of money to get someone or keep this guy. That is what happens.
  22. Type II Diabetic. The above comments were very good. My best times are when I am on a true low-carb diet, smaller portions, avoid any sugars including diet drinks, exercise every day (walking, swimming, biking). Good Luck.
  23. I noticed it on this month's bill but the company said it was on there last month.
  24. Why are we paying a dollar more, per phone, in our monthly mobile bill for "E911" service? I have several phones on my account but two are not in Paulding County. When did the county decide to do this? Did we vote on this?
  25. I've taken advantage of the Dallas KFC buffet and the chicken and it seems about normal to me. The chicken is usually greasy and the veggies dry but about what I expect. It's okay for a KFC.
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