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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Our leaders, those who were marching this past week and some others. He knew what I meant.
  2. If we had to depend on some of these people in 1941, we would all be speaking Japanese or German. Thankfully at that time, we had what has been called the greatest generation. Now we got the scaredest generation. I guess they think they can BS them to death. Hmmmmmm, they may not be far off, sometimes after reading their BS, I know I want to stick a fork in my brain.
  3. The original sign has been taped up higher on the pole and a second sign saying the same thing, complete with misspelled words, is now on the other side of the street for cars going in the opposite direction. My guess, somebody just got out of jail for dealing drugs.
  4. Anyone that thinks their taxes are going to decrease in any substantial amount due to the airport going commercial is dreaming. Not saying taxes will increase because of a commercial airport, but I have lived long enough to know that there are at least two entities that have to be forced to cut their take of your money. Governments and exes.
  5. The point Patton was making was that you win wars by killing the other side. It is one line out of a speech to fire up the troops. Stay alive and kill the enemy, only way to win a war. I hope you know that Patton considered all wounded and KIAs to be hero's.
  6. “No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” - Gen. George S. Patton Seems simple to me.
  7. One thing I know for a fact won't help, fussing with each other. Personally, I think there is enough "blame" to go around. Starting with the people who are behind the attacks. If you start assigning blame for those who did little or nothing to stop things from getting this far, then we can blame almost everyone in both political parties, France herself and many many more. I place a lot of blame on my generation, the generation of peace and love. Everyone reacts differently to crises. Some people's thoughts go directly, and stay, with those affected. Some people's thoughts go directly
  8. I agree 100%. They are surprisingly easy to get a hold of. I have never asked Todd if he was running for the hot seat, but I did tell him one time (this was a while back, way before Mr. Austin had said he wasn't running), that I heard that he was running for it. I can't remember his exact response, but I can say that had he confirmed it or had made me think he was going to, I would remember that. Wouldn't be surprised if he did run, wouldn't be surprised if he didn't run. My suggestion on how to tell who will run for Commission Chairman. Find out who suffers the most from masoch
  9. I once told my ex, "I do enough asshat things that you don't have to make up asshat things and say I did them. Just tell about the ones I actually do." I have the same opinion about our county officials, they do enough things to mention, discuss and disagree with (after all, very few times will everyone be happy with what they say or do, no matter what it is) that there is no reason to make stuff up or use half truths.
  10. I once told my ex, "I do enough asshat things that you don't have to make up asshat things and say I did them. Just tell about the ones I actually do." I have the same opinion about our county officials, they do enough things to mention, discuss and disagree with (after all, very few times will everyone be happy with what they say or do, no matter what it is) that there is no reason to make stuff up or use half truths.
  11. I predict that taxes will go up, regardless of what happens to the airport. Of course, that is sorta like predicting that your neighbor won't win this Friday's big lottery. The odds are so much in my favor, that it is basically not a prediction, just a fact.
  12. It says exactly that and in that way, with the exception of where I have (XXXXX), they have a name. Short version. "So and So dates guys, treats them bad, buys drugs and turns in the drug dealers." Basically, another day in the neighborhood.
  13. Being raised Baptist, I was on the back row. A nice young lady sat next to me. I showed her my picture of me with Garfunkel and Oates. (I think she was impressed) I did get up and buy a raffle ticket from Ron Davis for that gun raffle. I can only presume they lost my contact information after I won.
  14. I was at that meeting, but left when they went into dbl secret session (executive session). I was hungry, although you certainly couldn't tell it by looking at me.
  15. I got a pic, but not posting it. I read it as: (I am including the spelling and capitalization as it is on the sign) MY NAME iS (XXXXXX) I DATE GUYS And DO THEM RONG ANd LiE To THEM I BYE DRUGS THEN I TURN YOU iN ?
  16. As far as I can tell, the actual first mention of the airport comes at around the 55:12 mark. It comes in a comment/question about road issues and traffic issues. While the airport is mentioned at the end of this comment/question about road and traffic issues, I personally took it to not be so much about the airport as it was about the road and traffic issues, especially since the gentleman went on to discuss the afternoon rush hour traffic on Hwy 278 and a video he took of that traffic. And since his question was about the infrastructure that may be needed to handle the extra airport traff
  17. Yes. I appreciate the call to the LE and wish (and hope) they found this person. Not only could other people be hurt or killed, this person may have been in need of emergency medical care. At least momof3 can know that she did all she possibly could. Thank you, young lady.
  18. I don't know Mr. Carmichael at all really. I had one meeting that lasted 45 minutes (or so) with him. I came away from that meeting thinking that he is a man who tries to do what he believes is the right thing to do and tries to be a good man. Does that mean I agree with everything he does or says, nope, same as with every other person on the earth. At this point, I have no reason, that I am personally aware of, not to respect Mr. Carmichael. He certainly earned my respect in that 45 (or so) minutes that we met. Does that respect turn into a vote for Mr. Carmichael in the election? W
  19. I have to wonder if this was a medical condition, you mentioned stroke, my thought was the same or even an episode of dementia. I have an uncle, in his mid 90's, who was driving until a year or so ago. He quit driving for two reasons, he fell of the ladder fixing his gutter (yes, he also has a large garden he works by himself) and while he lives in Cumming, he left the small store, less than 3 miles from his house, and was found in Canton, sitting in a Micky D's. He had never had any issues driving, that they knew of, until he did.
  20. Not to pick nits, but...to pick a couple nits. 1. The video posted goes for 1 hour and 25 minutes. So given that it started a few minutes late, say around 6:35 and ended at right at 8pm, that seems about the right amount of time for the meeting. Per the video, the airport section of the meeting starts at basically one hour into the meeting and lasts approximately 11-12 minutes. Now I admit that math is not my strong suit (3rd grade was tough...all 3 times), but isn't that roughly 1/10 of the meeting time, not 1/3? Please look at the video and if I am incorrect, please let me know. Whil
  21. If I like you, you can't do much wrong. If I don't like you, you can't do much right. - Buzzy
  22. Ohhhh, if anyone wants to say hello to me (or punch me in the nose) at one of these meetings I may attend, I am the fat guy with the ball cap and unkempt (most likely) beard. Often wearing an "I (heart) Garfunkel and Oates" tee shirt. I didn't know I missed speaking to some pcommers at Crow's deal.
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