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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. I am more concerned about the "Donated by...." signs on the back of the Hiram police cars. I have never thought that was a smart idea.
  2. In God We Trust, has been on and off money since this country was founded. But since there was not one national currency that replaced all others, until the middle of the 1800's (I think), it depended on who's money you were using and when they printed or minted it. As far as the founding fathers go, I'm not sure about that. I was just going to ask about it one day, when Benny Franklin got to talking about how hot Betsy Ross's ankles were and I forgot. But here is a picture of the US House of Representatives and I understand the Senate looks similar.
  3. While there is no doubt that the battle flag was added to or replaced some flags in response to Brown v BOE, it is my understanding and guess, that the motto, "In God We Trust", was adopted in response to Russia and the cold war.
  4. In 1956, "In God We Trust" was made the motto of the United States of America. Two points, it doesn't specify what God and it is the motto of this country. Don't like this country's motto, then change it, but don't get upset when it is displayed.
  5. I don't know if I have mailbox envy, but I do have a little envy that her mailbox cost more than my house. (JK) I didn't know (of course the list of things I don't know is not extremely only long, but is also varied) that mailboxes were required to be a certain type and style in certain subdivisions, but I understand how that could happen. (makes me wonder what the guy that came up with that rule did for a living, sold mailboxes?) They would have kicked me and my poor mailbox out a long time ago. (not my box, but looks the same) Between the wife and I we have two of these t
  6. $500 mailbox?? I think someone has already took you for a ride. I think mine was less than $50.
  7. This happened to me at the Sam's in Hiram on August 21st. Nice looking younger black lady. If a stranger approaches me needing a handout, I rarely give them cash. (and not just because the wife doesn't allow me to have cash) Today at the Sam's Club, I had a lady come up to me, almost crying, saying she was out of gas and needed gas money. I asked where her car was? In the parking lot. Is it completely out of gas? Not completely. Can it make it to the Sam's Club gas pumps? Yes. Good. Then I'll meet you at the gas pumps and put gas in your car. Thank you. What kind of car i
  8. Look, this article is from Time Magazine and is based on reputable information. So don't think the weather isn't an issue and hasn't been changing. Here is just the first part of the article, listing some of the unusual weather in the past couple years. "In Africa, drought continues for the sixth consecutive year, adding terribly to the toll of famine victims. (in the past few years) record rains in parts of the U.S., Pakistan and Japan caused some of the worst flooding in centuries. In Canada's wheat belt, a particularly chilly and rainy spring has delayed planting and may well bring a disap
  9. Holy crap, Batman. Kudos to you, my new friend. (love history)
  10. I don't have cancer, but I do have a cancer doctor. I had a bone marrow test, saw them every month for about 4 months, saw them every 2 months for about 4 months, saw them every 3 months for about 6 months and then I saw them a year later, which was last month. I am back to seeing them every 3 months, but I expect that to change to 6 months or more after my visit in a month and a half. Kinda weird having a cancer doctor you see so often, but no cancer. They are just making sure it doesn't sneak up on us. (apparently my marrow showed some warning signs, quite frankly, I think the doc was s
  11. My wife said I was ALWAYS wrong. I said, I disagree. She said, see what I mean?
  12. You never heard any outrage about this, why? Shouldn't there have been some press? A US teenager has been charged with the murder of a classmate after police said he posted a Snapchat photo of himself with the victim's body. The 16 year old white boy, was arrested for killing a black 16 year old classmate, in his home near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The suspect used Snapchat - an app that auto-deletes content after a few seconds - to send an image to a friend. The friend took a screenshot and his mother contacted police. Prosecutors said the Snapchat was "key evidence". "[Police] re
  13. From the book From a Race of Masters to a Master Race: Fascism, communism and national socialism all share in common the explicit premise that the individual must subordinate himself to society's needs, or as Hitler would phrase it: 'Society's needs come before the individual needs.' Sorry for the hijack, Glassdogs. I just thought we should all know who is being quoted by pubby. ETA, also note that everyone else has posted an apology for their hijacks, except one
  14. Got you one of them "Word of the Day" calenders for your birthday, huh.
  15. Agree 100%. Media and those who make a living by it, make it about race, like Stonewall said.
  16. And that is something that really bothers me and that is something that I have mentioned to people on both sides of the commercial issue. People in positions of authority. My comments are not directed to any one particular side or person. On this specific topic, I would think there is enough "blame" to go around for all, both past and current. In my opinion, it is something that should have already been done, it is something that still needs to be done and it is something that will have to be done, IF, they expect to make either the general aviation or movie studio be self sustaining
  17. I have offered what seems to me to be a no brainer, something that should have been done from the start. It needs to be done for both the airport and the movie studio. Hire experienced sales people to sell the general aviation side of our airport (and I say only general aviation, because we do have a contract with Propeller for the commercial side). Someone that is knowledgeable about the industry, has contacts in the industry and works full time selling our airport to the general aviation industry. We have never had that type of person working to make our airport a success. Not putting
  18. I understand. I was making the point that having family that goes back for X generations doesn't mean anything, we are all equal, whether our family was among the first families here or we just moved in last month. I was also saying that while we are all equal, I understand the feeling of, "but we have been here forever and you just arrived". (my quote) In my case, I didn't want all the building in Smyrna, but the majority did. In the case here in Paulding, it is somewhat the opposite. My personal opinion, I don't have the history with Paulding that I did with Cobb and Smyrna, so the cha
  19. Hmmmmmmmm, how does that statement fit with this statement? Super Icon Admin 22,153 posts Posted 06 August 2015 - 05:26 PM I do have other interests. Among those interests is not destroying reputations through lies and innuendo. I guess it just depends on who's reputation you are destroying through lies and innuendo, huh? Or do you have proof of what you type?
  20. I know you were kidding, but I do have feelings and often a large ego. I wasn't joking about what has happened to Cobb, or Smyrna. I hate it, however, the people who live there apparently love it. Whether you want things to remain as they are or whether you want things to get grow bigger, one thing is for certain, things will change. I also wasn't joking about the Platinum Citizenship, now I don't have one for Paulding and I may not have one for Cobb, but I dang sure feel like I have one for Smyrna. And when I am faced with the fact that the people who live there could care less; where
  21. My family is from Cobb county, my grandfather laid the sidewalks around Smyrna First Baptist Church. When I mentioned to all those people that moved into Cobb, and there were a lot of them to tell, how our family had been there forever, they told me they didn't give a crap, that there were no Platinum Citizenships, that they counted as much as I did. Hurt my feelings something awful, not to mention coming as a major shock to my ego.
  22. I typed a long post, but hit the wrong button and it disappeared. I will condense this one down. First, glad you are out of the hospitals and back home. From what I have heard, Jamie Gilbert did a good job in his position. In fact, I asked Mr. Swafford to rate Mr. Gilbert on the job he did while working for the county. I asked for a grade using the old ABCDF system. Mr Swafford rated Mr. Gilbert's grade a B+. Of course, Mr. Swafford could have been lying to me, after all, pubby says that Mr. Swafford is a lier. And apparently in pubby's world, lying to the people you work for is
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