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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Pubby's opinions from a few years ago and a question. I remember the 1st time I sat down with Pubby and he explained to me the fact (in his opinion) that this county was ran by (6 or 7, I can't remember which) "good ole boy" families. Families that were crooked and ran the county like their personal playground. And he was the fighter for the little people, the people without a strong voice, the people that the leaders of the county just ran over to get what they wanted for them and their cronies. Now I had never heard of this (6 or 7) family county "mafia" (my word) before, but I was
  2. I agree, the government is being run by the Marx Brothers, only it ain't funny like the real Marx Brothers were. (and by government, I mean all parties. Republican, Democrat and anything in between)
  3. Say it ain't so!! You mean that there is a good possibility that Iran lied to us?? Who would have ever thunk it? Ohhhh, that's right, only a large part of the citizens of this country. But wait!! Don't panic. If the report is true, then we can count on our president saying, "Shame on you. Don't you do that again!" We are now being lead, for the most part on both sides of the aisle, by the type of people that raise their children with the words, "Stop that or you will be in trouble."....."Stop that or you will be in trouble."....."Stop that or you will be in trouble."....."Stop
  4. The airport deal started off on the wrong foot. Then it continued on the wrong foot. Then people dug their heels in. (all sides) Then it got ugly. Then people dug their heels in deeper. (all sides) Then it got uglier. And now we are all paying lawyers to figure out a mess that we should never have had to start with. #LawyersWin #GetToCourt #MoveOnFromThere
  5. Same here. (of course I never watched Bush either, in fact, the last pres I would watch was Reagan)
  6. These are the people we rely on to run our country.
  7. I gave you a possible answer about why these people haven't said anything before now. I suggest you contact the church and ask them your other questions. Then you would "know the whole story". At least watch the video of the meeting, which has been posted in several places, including this forum. Here is a link to the video of that meeting, perhaps the lady who spoke about her church answers some of your questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym3-bycpD1s My question to you is, why weren't you at these town hall meetings? I could say something about the schools and other things
  8. I'll grant you that the Republicans ain't exactly the great uniters. In fact, as I have said many times, I think the democrats and the republicans are just opposite sides of the same coin. And neither side has the average American citizen's best interest in mind. They both are self seeking and self serving and both sides will sell this country and it's people down the river as quick as they can, if it helps them.
  9. Hmmmmmm, you could right. That did not occur to me. While my post was triggered by that, I have had a lot of people start ranting about Fox news when they find out my views on things. It really irritates me.
  10. Just for the record, I for one get a little tired of Fox news, Rush Limbaugh and other media being used to explain my stance and beliefs on things. I have said countless times that, with the rare exception, I don't watch any TV news, I consider them all to be slanted and editorials and not news reporting. I quit listening to Rush many years ago when he ceased to be entertaining and became an egotistical blow hard. I find it insulting for people to suggest, heck, often just come out and say it, that I am incapable of making up my own mind about what I believe. I have never accused anyone
  11. I stated that it was my opinion, based on the facts as I see them. I don't watch Fox news, so whatever they do or don't do, say or don't say, has nothing to do with my opinions. Radical Islam goes back as far as that religion goes back. The same as radical Christianity goes back as far as that religion goes back. There is a hell of a lot of supposition in your post that I find hard to understand how you came to those conclusions. But I will end with this, if you think Obama has made this a better country, a safer country and a more united country, then that is your opinion, I pre
  12. Another plot by Obama to bring down the country? Who wants to bet that these squirrels weren't even vetted? Has anyone checked to see if they are Muslim squirrels? Could it be climate change, global warming or as I call it, weather? Or have the squirrels just gone nuts? Do to my recent post about Obama, I find it necessary to qualify this post as being done in jest.
  13. And whomever said that some people are just plain fools, sure had it right. "They are lying. They are lying." Really? Do you have proof? "No. But you can't fool me." I guess you can't fool a fool.
  14. I don't want to crucify Obama.But the way I see it, it is hard not to. My nightmare will really begin if Hillary gets elected. The wife is so so on Obama, but so far she is a big Hillary supporter. The other night I yelled, "But she (Hillary) is a socialist!" My wife calmly replied, " So what? I'm a socialist."
  15. I really don't want to get into this, but since you asked, I will give you a couple things I didn't expect. 1. To make race relations worse. 2. To support those who have declared war on law enforcement. 3. To make this country a weak country militarily. 4. To deny an obvious threat to not only this country, but to the entire non Muslim world. 5. To make it easier for threats to this country to be carried out. 6. To desire to give aid and succor to those who may wish to do harm to this country and it;s people. 7. To help build up countries that are, have been and will be again, enemi
  16. I hate to admit it. I really do hate to admit it. I mean I really really do hate to admit it. But if you look at what he has done and hasn't done, it is something that is starting to be the only thing that makes sense. Either that, or as I said, he is simply incompetent. Either way, we are screwed. Ohhhhh, and I'm not sure what made you think I was smarter than that.
  17. The nice elderly lady did speak up about those services being important. She did not count on anonymous internet commentators to carry her water. She attended one of those radical "town hall" meetings, you know, the ones that some poor deluded lady is suing over, and spoke directly to her county commissioner about the problems she and the people who attend her church are having. I know, I was within 4' of her when she did so. The gentleman that she indicated who helped carry water was another elderly fellow and while people from this generation are used to taking care of themselves and not
  18. Whether it is on purpose or just through shear incompetence and stupidity, he has done more to divide and destroy this country than any single person in the history of this country.
  19. No.The difference is that France isn't run by a Muslim. Anyone with common sense and who didn't have a, not so well hidden anymore, agenda knew what this was.
  20. I stole this from someone else. Contrast The French response vs the US response to a terror incident...it takes us three days to confirm it "looks like it may be terrosism" and in three days the French had already conducted dozens of raids, made additional arrests, triggered emergency powers, started investigating mosques, their leaders made national proclamations of action, etc...doing things reasonably expected in a crisis and things leaders do vs feckless ineptitude.
  21. Women??Women aren't terrorists and don't die for ISIS. Remember, Obama made fun of Republicans being "afraid of women". Just for the record, if there were women terrorists, which of course there can't be, they would get nothing. After all, they are treated as if they are possessions here on earth. However, if it were fair, they would get a battery operated toy and a lifetime supply of batteries. Cause we know their men could care less if their women enjoy...life. Disclaimer: the above is directed strictly towards fanatical Muslim men, I am sure that regular Muslim men are no differ
  22. :sigh: The only thing that is for sure in this world is that change will happen. (for those that say death and taxes are the only sure things, you don't have to pay taxes, you can go and sit in the prison and death is change...from living, to not living) The question is not whether change is coming, the question is, what kind of change is coming. People may not like this, but one reason I don't care if the airport goes commercial is because by the time it gets so big, if it succeeds and does get big, as to cause all the problems that Whitey and others say it will cause, I won't even be
  23. I have always said I am not anti commercial for our airport. But if we go commercial, we have to go into it with our eyes wide open and with full knowledge of what the possible upsides are and the possible downsides are. And be prepared for both possibilities. Heck, from what I can tell, Propeller has much experience in running a commercial or general aviation airport as I do. But perhaps they would be willing to hire people that do have that experience and those skills, something the county or the AA or the IBA or whoever is now in charge, seems reluctant to do. I mean we know Allegia
  24. It is just sad. And while the events yesterday fit that statement, that is not what I was referring to.
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