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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. 1. Our airport people, in 6-7 years, can't even get a general aviation airport up and running. 2. Our partner in the projected commercial air travel, has zero experience in running that type of business. (they are however involved with lawsuits in the two cities they are trying to get their airport businesses started) 3. There aren't a million people in North West GA and North East AL, that would be flying to Orlando, Miami, Vegas and maybe one or two other tourist destinations, per year. And that is basically your customer base. From around I-75 west and I-20 north. 4. The infras
  2. I just look at the facts. Race relations are at the lowest point since I have been alive. In case someone says I can't clearly remember the early 60's, people much older than I have said the same thing. Crime is worse than ever. (no, I don't care what the government tells me the statistics are, I go by what I see and know) Our government is not trying in any way shape or form to work together for the betterment of the country as a whole and the average American citizen. They are only concerned with getting power and pushing their agenda, I mean both sides and most of those in the middle.
  3. I also couldn't help but notice a few things that are posted on the Support Silver Comet Field facebook page. Since the moderators of this page routinely ban people who have a differing opinion or ask uncomfortable questions, please keep in mind that most, if not all, of the posters are not going to disagree with "the party line". 1. They incorrectly state that the payment was made a week or so ago, instead of the 1st week of August, over 5 months ago. 2. The posters seem to either not understand what took place or have no issue with what I see as bad business practices. And they seem to thi
  4. I went by just before they closed the road. Lots and lots of LE.
  5. Personally, I'm not sure I would classify this payment as secret, after all, there is an email confirming the OK to pay it and more importantly, records of the payment being made. So I wouldn't say it was done in secret. You could say there was a communication problem, if as it appears, the other commissioners were unaware that the payment was being made early. But I personlly wouldn't call it done in secret. As far as the airshow is concerned, I don't know enough about the ins and outs of the airshow deal to make a comment. But in general, I think airshows are a nice event.
  6. Since the topic of a payment to the Airport Authority, that was due to be made in January of 2016, that was actually paid in the 1st week of August 2015, was brought up, I do have some questions about that payment. First I would like to state my understanding (in very general terms) of what the contact called for. As I understand it, the contract called for two equal payments, of approximately $170,000 per calendar year. One payment due on January 1 and the second payment due in July of that same calendar year. But this year, 2015, the 1st payment was made the 1st of January 2015, the 2nd
  7. Another great Christmas movie that isn't well known. While both of these movies are considered Christmas movies, they both are not dependent on the holiday to carry the movie. We're No Angels is one of my favorite Bogart movies and it has a stellar supporting cast. Funny, heart warming and clever. We're No Angels (1955) "We came here to rob them and that's what we're gonna do - beat their heads in, gouge their eyes out, slash their throats. Soon as we wash the dishes."
  8. On the advice from my lawyer, I ain't fessing up in print. I don't know about public records, but I sure know one thing, and this is not directed at anyone on pcom, just an observation about social media in general. God sure does gets drug into some mighty ugly stuff on social media. I haven't been a regular, or even a semi-regular church goer for over 35 yrs, but things sure must have changed in that time. Cause I sure see a lot of people mentioning church and God, while they say some of the nastiest stuff about their fellow citizens, most of whom it appears are regular church goer
  9. Anyone got a question about my background, just ask, I will tell you. (at least the parts I can remember)
  10. This is one of the best Christmas movies that you may not have heard of, The Shop Around the Corner. It is directed by the incomparable Earnest Lubitsch and stars Margaret Sullavan and Jimmie Stewart. The supporting cast is a great one, Frank Morgan, Joseph Schildkraut, Sara Haden, Felix Bressart and William Tracy. The story is set in a retail shop in Budapest, where Stewart and Sullavan work together, although they fight constantly. Unbeknownst to them, they are also involved with each other as pen pal lovers, who never discuss their personal lives in their letters to each other.
  11. I also doubt that half the citizens know we have an airport authority. And that is a problem. Not because of anything the airport authority is or isn't doing, but rather because the people need to have some awareness of what is going on in their county. So the bad news is, that most of the people in the county have no idea what is going on in their county. But the good news....other bad news is, this county isn't much different than any other county in the country.
  12. I used to think you had integrity, morals and honesty. I guess life has been a little disappointing to us both.
  13. How hard is it for someone to grasp the fact that it is not as simple as "let the market place decide"? They are either the most obtuse person that exists or deliberately lying about not getting it....or both. Wasn't the topic of this thread about Mr. Pownell chiding the AA for not attending, from beginning to end (or at all), the citizens meeting about the commercialization of the airport? You ever notice that pubby rarely addresses the issues or facts at hand, but rather rambles on and on about something entirely different than what the question, point or topic was? Examples:
  14. I have to say that I was shocked to hear that all, or at least the majority, of the members of the Airport Authority were not there from the very start to the very end of that meeting. 1. It would seem to me to be the professional thing to do. 2. It would seem to me to be the polite thing to do. 3. It would seem to me to be the responsible thing to do. As far as Mr. Pownell expressing his disappointment; 1. That is his choice. 2. I didn't see where he singled out MS Devey, or anyone person. 3. While the use of the word, cronies, brings me pleasant memories (it was one of my father's
  15. Apparently from Goldmine to St Charles it is about 10 miles or a 10 minute drive.
  16. Time will tell? Gee, a month ago you were thumping Whitey for not having that "inside info" on whether or not Todd was going to run. PUBBY, on 11 Nov 2015 - 11:26 PM, said: Todd has intimated to me that he is thinking seriously about running for chairman, Whitey. I'm surprised he hasn't been more forthcoming with you. pubby
  17. This from the 5pm Fox 5 News. From: Paulding County Suspicious woman reported at a home on St. Charles Ave. Paulding Sheriffs show up and find woman trying to get in partially opened garage door. Woman points gun at LE, LE fires at woman, woman is arrested for burglary and aggravated assault charges. Shame on someone for reporting suspicious activity, don't they know that is racist?
  18. I do appreciate his effort to direct the discussion away from the airport to other matters of county concern. How he plays that position in the upcoming election will be interesting. I.e. will he be critical only of Carmichael or will his criticisms also be directed at Todd? Is Todd running for Chairman? Why in the heck would you be wondering if he was going to be critical of anyone? Much less someone that, at least as far as I know, isn't running for the job at this time. Like I said, a dark and scary place. Seek help.
  19. Not sure how a duly elected, not once, but twice, public servant can be called an insurgent? You remember elections, don't ya Pubby? That is where the citizens of a selected area, vote (or in effect, voice by ballot) what individual they like, agree with and think will make a good leader of that selected community. I'm sure you remember what elections are. That is where over 70% of the people who voted in the Democrat primary said they didn't like, agree with or think you would make a good leader. So perhaps your thinking that the person, that the community did say they liked, agreed with
  20. It's called transferance. Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. You really need to quit putting your white guilt and your emotional and mental issues on the rest of society. Hope that helps.
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