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Everything posted by kwood

  1. They "shouldn't" deface public property either, but they did.
  2. [quote name='GAPEACH' timestamp='1333335789' post='362 IT'S CALLED TRADITION! It's one of those laws that are mostly overlooked if it is not done in a malicious way. Painting the road has always been done at EPHS as far back as I can remember. Jacob Zimmerman and another friend left the area when it was realized that more was going to happen. Jacob is a good boy from a good family. He would never purposely destroy someone else's property like that. :angry2: Just because it is a tradition does not make it legal, right, or acceptable behavior. I don't know what the size of the s
  3. Hope it all goes well! I'll be right behind you on Tuesday.
  4. kwood


    If you are interested in faith based recovery I know good things about the home of grace in vancleave, Ms. You should be able to find them via google.
  5. Maybe instead of reading articles you should talk to people. The majority of people I talk to are either unemployed or underemployed. I have a college degree, a paralegal certification, and a real estate license. I'm making about 15,000 less than I was in 2007 in the same industry. Ive been lucky in that since then ive only been out of work for 1 year in that time, but I have not been earning what I should. And that is the norm with people I talk to. I cant afford a more fuel efficient car because I cant even afford to make needed repairs to my current car. But its paid for, at least I got tha
  6. Gun violence is worse here because we haven't let them take our guns away yet.
  7. First, Zimmerman is Hispanic, not white, that is of course if you think that obama is black and not white. So leave us honkeys out of it. Second do you people honestly think Zimmerman, unprovoked shot an unarmed teen for the hell of it? You think Martin was walking away from him, never touched him, and Zimmerman just shot him?
  8. I never personally killed an Indian or someone of another race or my race for that matter. I'll be damned if I'm going to be made to feel guilty by proxy. I have never racially wronged anyone. Martin Luther king jrs dream was that we judge by the content of character and not the color of skin. I feel I am giving him what he wants I don't judge someone by what color they are I judge them by their actions. Too bad many minorities like to lump all whites into the white devil category. But of course that's not racist for them to do.
  9. Maybe I am under the wrong assumption here that you are supposed to be someone up on news worthy events in the area. You haven't heard about the case in Dekalb? Happened about a week ago? You haven't heard about it because it didn't involve any racial aspect, it was 2 black watchmen at an apartment complex shooting a black teen. No one is outraged when the shooter and victim are the same race. That happens WAY more often, shouldn't Al and Jesse concern themselves with that aspect. Id venture to guess that the majority of minorities are killed by someone of the same race. Yet white people are t
  10. So the officer that reported that he had a head gash was also lying? Did you not see the picture a page or so back that showed a gash on the back of hus head? Again I don't know where people are getting that he was at the police station 30 minutes later. I have heard it reported anywhere from 2 to 4 hours after the shooting, and after he had been treated by medics on the scene. You are making a lot of assumptions not supported by evidence or witness statements.
  11. Why would you assume Zimmerman is the liar based on evidence? Not everyone involved in a shooting is charged with murder. I don't know if hes guilty or innocent but given the info I have seen I would not vote to convict if I was on the jury.
  12. As a woman if I were in your hypothetical situation I would drive to a busy parking lot, or somewhere public, call 911 and tell them I am suspicious of the person pulling me over. What stopped Martin from doing something similar? And how do you know Zimmerman didn't say he was neighborhood watch? You don't. Neither do I, you are drawing conclusions based on what you think and not from what evidence and witnesses have said.
  13. Here is where I disagree with you. If Martin was doing nothing wrong, and Zimmerman was looking at him suspiciously based on the other crimes that have been committed in the neighborhood. Why would Martin either A. Run, or B. Confront Zimmerman? If he's innocent, and is in fact just walking through the neighborhood minding his own business why not let Zimmerman approach him and explain what he's doing? If I was in a strange neighborhood at night, and someone was looking at me suspiciously my response would be neither to take off running nor to confront and attack the person. If they looked sha
  14. I don't know if hes telling the truth or not, but just based on evidence and witness statements I wouldn't want to take this to court. There is enough evidence for me to believe he was operating within the stand your ground law. But I realize not everyone is blessed with as much common sense as I am
  15. This whole kids will be kids argument, and the argument that we were all young and stupid at one point is bs. I would never and did never participate in this kind of destructive behavior when I was a teen or at any other point in my life. You know why? Because I was scared to death of what punishment awaited me if my parents ever found out. My parents most certainly would not have hired me a lawyer or made any excuse for such an obviously wrong thing to do. The problem here is that these kids, and aparentky the cream of the crop at EPHS, didn't think there was anything wrong with vadalizing pr
  16. My "labor" lasted for almost 3 days, never getting intense, so I focused on Tv and the Internet. Once I went in for the c section I focused on anything other than the sounds of what was going on in the room. My husband and I were cracking jokes the whole time, and talking about the month python meaning of life and the machine that goes "ping"
  17. Have they ever apprehended anyone who has done it before? If 3 people go in and rob a gas station and manage to get away should the fourth person who gets caught not be prosecuted? And I don't think defacing property would be referred to as a "retarded law" by most.
  18. It was never acceptable to me. Just because all the other kids do something wrong does that make it ok to do it again? No, it means you need to be a better person than those before you.
  19. It is never acceptable to damage property. These kids ultimately will not face harsh criminal consequenses. So if the school doesn't follow through on their punishment then where are the consequenses? Wrong is wrong,too bad this will hurt his academic career, if he truely is a good kid in 10 years he can have the same life he would have had had he not done it. He can learn from it. By letting them out of it we are saying the rules apply to some, but not the ones that get God grades or are involved in the school.
  20. They aren't "good friends" if I have to hide illegal acts for them. Have people lost all sense of right and wrong?
  21. I would bet anything none of then get hit with a felony in the end. A lot of places offer diversion programs for first time offenders which keep things off your record all together
  22. http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/29/police-surveillance-video-of-zimmerman-may-show-head-injury/ Yep, there's no evidence of a gash on his head
  23. A good teenager wouldn't be vandalizing the street. It's still illegal to spray paint the street.
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