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Everything posted by kwood

  1. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1956645,00.html I was in high school in the 90's so they have been teaching safe sex and sex ed since then, yet since 2006 teen pregnancy rates have been on the rise. So educating doesn't seem to be the trick. This has less to do with self righteous uptight adults and more to do with a general lack of personal responsibility being passed on from parents to children. The moral decline of society as a whole has produced a whole group of people that feel they have the right to be supported by others, and the right to have their "mistakes" taken c
  2. There are plenty of families waiting in line to adopt children. And in the case where the fetus isn't viable, that's a whole different issue. We can agree to disagree, if women didn't have the option to abort maybe more thought would be put into it ahead of time. If you're not ready to raise a child, and don't want to take the risk then don't have sex. There are consequences in life, at least there used to be.
  3. Maybe they should have been intelligent enough to not get pregnant in the first place if they had no intention of being able to care for a child. At some point that baby has rights too. I believe they start at conception, because I think anything else would be arbitrary.
  4. The media must think most women are idiots. I don't feel attacked by Republicans. No one has the right to birth control, and its certainly not the govts responsibility to provide it. I will vote for anyone other than obama because he is an awful president.
  5. I had my first Nov of 2010. I got put on bed rest at 36 weeks and had her at 38.5. I was uncomfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as I am at 36 weeks with this one, and no bed rest orders so far. I wasn't to worried about her not coming out as a girl, we had about 20 ultasounds and asked them to verify each time. I did have it in my head what she would look like, and when I saw her she looked nothing like I thought. She was a mini me of my husband and had a full head of black hair (not sure where that came from) . So this time I'm hoping she looks a little bit like me, and I'm ready.to b
  6. This month mine was about $40, last month it was inexplicably $60, because the month before and all the previous months it was closer to $40.
  7. As a woman, my opinions need not be consistent or rational.
  8. I don't think you anyone has the right to talk about the pros and cons of a trans-vaginal ultrasound unless they have a place to use the trans-vaginal ultrasound.
  9. kwood


    I agree with you. I still think knowing what I know about the Paulding County DA's office that these kids will never actually have to worry about a felony. They will probably be offered plea deals where they can do probation, community service, pre-trial diversion programs, and get it expunged from their record.
  10. kwood


    I think we're all missing the upside to this. Even if it doesn't get prosecuted as a felony most likely it will involve some kids coin probation and paying court costs. The money involved in this will be a great economic stimulus to the county. Probation costs are not cheap:)
  11. That is a weak argument...because we cant prove that they weren't all involved we shouldn't hold any responsible? If someone got away and they van live with that on their conscience that's between them and their higher power. Fact is that some kids can be directly linked to the distruction, and they can and should be held responsible.
  12. kwood


    Exactaly, they are old enough to know better, and therefore should have to deal with whatever punishment is dished out.
  13. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Any 10 year old knows it is wrong to destroy something that is not yours. This isnt Nam Smokey, there are rules. You break a rule you deal with the consequence. By changing the punishment because these were "good kids" is why this whole attitude of it doesn't apply to me I'm special attitude is spreading.
  14. I was just thinking about that. Part of the county is coming together to raise money for a school damaged by a tornado, and then some morons go out and cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. If they can't make better choices than that maybe a delousing will do them some good. Apparently they haven't learned the difference between right and wrong in 17-18 years.
  15. I've seen first hand what happens when a wealthy parent bails out a child. The child does not learn, and the parent continues to bail the child out well into adulthood. There is a happy medium somewhere, you don't want the kid stuck with a felony their whole life, but showing them that money can get them out of trouble will also stick with them. And I agree that the justice system is flawed. If you have the money to afford a good attorney you can get away with almost anything.
  16. My biggest complaint about Aldi is the layout of the store. It didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason as to why one product was placed next to the other. Which will slow down my shopping considerably, and time is probably my biggest concern when grocery shopping. I don't shop at Walmart for the same reason, it takes to damn long to get in and out of the store. I was really disappointed that the Kroger in Hiram closed, it was by far the most convenient option for me. I will probably go back to Aldi if I need to pick up something quick and I can run in and get it because it would be quicker tha
  17. Based on my experiences with a person whose parents have bailed them out time and time again and hired lawyers time and time again, I'd let them sit and deal with the consequences while they're young and can recover from it.
  18. No one likes to drink alone
  19. I'm having my second with my husband and the two pregnancies are very different. I had gd and high bp with the first and nit the second. The doctor told me pregnancies are just different and was surprised I didn't have gd again.
  20. My grocery shopping time during the week is limited, so I probably wont be going back there. I cant get everything I need there, and the layout doesn't make sense to me. I will be sticking to kroger and ingles
  21. My first daughter is 16 months old. I ended up with high blood pressure out of nowhere with her around 35 weeks. I went on bed rest, and all my bp readings after that were much lower. I ended up being induced at 38.5 weeks due to a combination of high bp, gestational diabetes, and they were estimating her weight as over 9 lbs. My induction went 3 days and they finally said failed to progress so I ended up with a c section. I'm 36 weeks this time and haven't had any of the issues I had with the first. Which is good, not sure how to do bedrest with a 16 month old
  22. My husband used to play in the local pool league, ive spent time in both Hiram station, and what used to be spotlight. I have never once feared for my safety in either location. I'm not a drinker, and if my husband never played pool would never have steped foot in either place, but ive always found the workers and patrons to be friendly, maybe a little rough around the edges, but good people. There are the d bag exceptions, but you could find those at buffalo wild wings on any Friday night as well.
  23. Is Hiram station in the city of Hiram? I know the lines run wonky.
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