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Everything posted by kwood

  1. People renting probably can't buy, and people with rental houses are sometimes trying to cover a mortgage and make money. So there you go. If I knew my job and the husbands were stable I'd jump all over buying.
  2. At 27 I was working a good job, married for 6 years, living in a house we bought at 22, husband was successful. At 29 I was divorced, remarried, laid off from work, new husband was out of work, and we were living with my in laws. At 33 husband and I are working, we have 2 kids, we're pretty well settled right now. Age is just a number, and just because you are somewhere at some age doesn't mean you will be there 5 years from now. The other day I was asked what I wanted to do when I grew up (note I'm 33), and my answer was that I don't know, because 5 years ago I didn't think I w
  3. I think, but I'm not sure, that those records only show people that are still active inmates. So it wouldn't show anyone arrested and released.
  4. I think the 3bd 2 bath in the neighborhood we lived in were renting for around $1000.00 which was for maybe 1,000 square feet. That's one reason we got out of Atlanta, down here in the sticks we have a 4bd 3 bath ranch on 2 acres for $650 a month.
  5. The granola crunchy militant breastfeeders have led people to believe that getting a baby out via c-section is irreparably damaging to all involved. Why can't we live and let live and support people no matter what way they birth, feed, or diaper their child. Hopefully shes birthed her baby one way or another by now.
  6. Number dyslexia gets me every time. Now I feel bad, but bless her heart still.
  7. Bless her heart, she almost made it to her birthday.
  8. At 6 I was just happy I could tie my shoes. I wish I had my sheeze together like this kid
  9. I just saw on the news that the new Pope as told Argentinian Bishops and what not to not travel to the Vatican to see him installed as the new Pope because it is so expensive. They would do better to use that money for those in need. I also read that this Pope did not live in a lavish home, and refused to use special transportation and chose to ride public transportation instead. I think this is an amazing stance to take on money entrusted to the church. Let it go to people in need rather than keeping those that do the work of the church in a lavish lifestyle. Maybe I am Catholic after
  10. Yes, prices have steadily risen over the same time period, so it makes sense.
  11. My webcam is actually on my laptop, and I'm pretty sure there is no light telling me it's on or off
  12. Someone is very disappointed in what they are seeing on my webcam
  13. My second ended up being 11lbs 11oz due to a large umbilical cord giving her more than enough nutrition. I am SO glad that was a scheduled c-section due to it only having been 17 months since my last c-section
  14. You're jogging my memory. They wanted to start me on cervadil the night before mine, but since I couldn't get admitted I started on Cytotech in the morning. They Cytotch had no affect so that night they used cervadil and that's when I progressed to 4 cm. But stopped there. They then broke my water and started me on pitocin, but it was a lost cause. I really wish people would educate themselves on c-sections. They are not rampant, and I would say outside of the uber rich and hollywood you'd have a hard time convincing any doctor to perform one for yours or the doctors preference. C-sections
  15. I went to college with Pete's son. He was a walk on for a short time at Alabama when I was there. Some friends of mine used to play pick up basketball with him in Foster Auditorium.
  16. With my first I was induced at 39 weeks on a Wednesday at 7 am. I was not dialated when I went in, and I had no contractions. She was estimated to be over 9lbs, I had Gestational Diabetes, and I had High Blood Pressure. So for my health and the baby they decided to induce so that I would have a chance at a vaginal birth and avoid a c-section. I can't remember the names of the drugs, but there were two different ones they could have used for me, and they used one over the other because I was not able to come in the hospital the night before to start on the other one. Anyway, fast forward 3 days
  17. It's not that easy to get in Georgia, one because each time I applied when I needed it there were no funds left, but two, you have to meet certain guidelines. Like being a full time student, or single parent, or grandparent caring for grandchild, your income has to be a certain amount, you have to prove you have no other options. etc. I think a lot of the fraud is people claiming to be students who register for classes and then get the benefits and never go to school. I remember watching judge judy one time and the girl said she used her student loan money to buy her boyfriend a car. WTH?
  18. Dave Grohl looks so young! Can't believe that was 14 years ago, makes me feel old. Best concert I ever went to, I saw them in Memphis at the FedEx Forum in 2008
  19. This is what pushed me over the edge at Comcast. I'm guessing it was about 2005 or 2006, we started having an issue where the internet and cable would be out from 8 am to 8 pm. I don't know how long it had been going on, or when it started, but I happened to notice it one day when I was home from work. We lived in a neighborhood in cobb county that had been built in 2002-2003. So I call comcast, they say they'll send someone out, they do, guy says that it's nothing going on in our house, and it must be something to do with something before it gets to the house. So we have to wait for them
  20. I'm confused, you want to build a lake on the new lots?
  21. As a Baptist I can clearly state that "we" do not have a Pope. He's just another fan of Jesus wearing funny clothes.
  22. Did you feel bad when manti te'o's girlfriend died of cancer too?
  23. Then the downfall isn't in the fact that the government provides these things (which they shouldn't), but that we raise people who see no shame in living that way.
  24. So it's a timeshare in Panama city...classy
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