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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. I used to all the time. I started when my oldest was just a baby and continued until I was 5 months pregnant with my second. I thought I had gone last year, but it was really 2007 when I went the last time, I think, because I have not been since I had my youngest. I used to find that Aldi had the best prices on just about everything. Some things were not much different than regular stores, but they almost always have the best price on milk, snacks, yogurt, cheese, etc. All of their canned goods used to be .39 when I first started shopping there. However, they just kept increasing and afte
  2. UPS next to Kroger in Dallas is a drop off location. I dropped a toy off there the other day and they thought I was bringing it in for shipping. They seemed surprised I brought in a gift of that size. They have a Hot Wheels gift set that contains 5 stunts and 3 cars for $20 at Wal-Mart! It's an amazing deal. At first I had bought a set with just one stunt and one car for $15, but then I saw that one and exchanged it. That is all some kids get, and it really is a fabulous deal. I panicked when I went in to do the exchange because they were not in the same spot. They were hidden near the exercis
  3. I already asked, but the most important thing I want to know is if they have "everything." I am just trying to prepare for two different store trips if I have to. If I were going to go to Aldi, I definitely would not be able to buy everything on my list. Aside from the not-so-noticeable savings last time I went, that is a big reason why I have not shopped there in a very long time.
  4. I agree about the peeping. But, at the same time...I feel there is a line there. If I have all my drapes and blinds open and the lights on and am near a window or DH and I are "having fun," then I think that is just weird. Obviously we would know that people could see us, and IMO it's more about children being in the house next to me and looking out to see the stars at night and getting live action instead, or even just a glance at someone's dong hanging around. I just feel like that's what blinds are for. In the daytime, do whatever you want because no one can really see into your house durin
  5. Um.......what happened to the title? Store Deport??? Lol...wth. Well, I'm glad...I'm excited about shopping there for the first time tomorrow. How is the quality of THEIR brand stuff?
  6. HA! On the flip side, my husband would probably eat anything I cooked if I did it naked...I could probably heat up some dog food and he'd eat it. Lol!
  7. I tried to fix it, but it isn't working. If you go to their home page, it's on the page. :-D
  8. What do y'all think of this? I read about the story right after it happened and didn't know what to think. At the time, I read that the man looked at the woman and child and then as they were walking he walked into the other portion of his house to "follow them" so they could see him as they kept walking. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580563,00.html?test=latestnews I don't know if I believe that (I mean, it is hearsay, after all), BUT I do think it's a bit strange for him to be naked in his house making breakfast and reading the paper. He has a 5-year-old daughter...does he not c
  9. I don't know if I'm cooking now. Hubbie took his brother out to lunch for his birthday at a Greek pizza place in Marietta. I'm jealous, so perhaps he can just eat a plain turkey sandwich for dinner! I may make this chicken dish with bowtie pasta, cubed chicken, Rotel, cream of chicken, and lots of cheese. It's really good. It normally calls for spaghetti noodles, but I started making it with macaroni for variety, but I am going to try bowtie this time. I think it will make it much more appealing to the eye as it's sort of plain looking. But it tastes great and DH loves it.
  10. I was browsing an old thread and saw Food Depot mentioned. I checked out their sale ad on their site and it seems really good. I realize they charge 10% at the register, but their prices (well, most of them) look so good that it wouldn't matter to me. How does the store work? Are they like Aldi in that they only have certain items, or do they pretty much have everything? I notice in their ad that much of the advertised items are name brand and are about the price that I notice generics to be at while shopping. And their brand Flavorite is even cheaper. Anyone shop there? Good/bad comments
  11. I think people cut in and out because they are trying to go faster than everyone else. So I sort of disagree that speeding does not kill people. People that are speeding are potentially going faster than most of the other drivers. They end up having to go around people a lot--and speeding, at that--to keep up their speed without having to always slow down for the "slower" drivers. I don't really care what the speed limit is...just wish it were reasonable for the road and have a 10 mph range and that people would have to follow it. It is dangerous for people to go 45 on the highway, which is ri
  12. I don't think I have done this before. I am not opposed to it and think it's a great idea, but I have not been compelled yet. However, hubbie was at a gas station a few months ago. A young mom came in with her child and was in front of DH. She got a $1 worth of gas and asked the cashier how much some taffy or something was for her kid. It was only .10 or something like that and she had to put it back. DH was so mad that the clerk didn't just give it to her (DH goes in this station all the time and they are WAY overpriced on everything and just greedy), so DH paid for it so that the kid co
  13. That is true, too! I don't think people should be allowed to go more than 5 under the speed limit. It is just too dangerous to be going the speed limit of 55 or whatever it is and come up on someone going 10 or 15 or more under. But, at the same time, I think speed limit means speed limit and you really should keep it within 5 unless it is on the highway where 55 is just ridiculous. Should be at least 65 IMO.
  14. I've only had one speeding ticket. I was doing 77 in a 55 and the fine was around $150. I was traveling back from South Carolina and it suddenly drops from 75 to 55 and it was a holiday. There were about 10 cops lined up clocking people, so they got me. I knew it had dropped as I travel that way all the time, but the guy in front of me was slowing down and accelerating for fun. Just a bunch of young guys in the car. It was dangerous, so I kept my speed to pass him and got fined for it. Oh well! But yeah, I think it's a good idea. People drive way too fast, and it sucks because it seems the
  15. Well, I know that I am not socializing at all lately. It has nothing to do with money, though. For me, it's more of a realization that I am just not meant to have friends or something. I used to have a lot of friends, and now I really have just a couple. Literally. I have associates, but I don't feel the need to hang out with or keep up with them in any way other than Facebook. I am just too busy and too tired. After several close friendships here in Georgia, I have been seriously burned by all but one of them. I am just over it. I will spend time with and focus on the people I know are truly
  16. That's just horrible. The mother should NOT have left the baby in the car, BUT this 12-year-old just got a free pass for murdering a baby. My sister just turned 13 and trust me, she was more than aware of what she was doing at 12 years old. Just as I was aware of what I was doing. At 12, you are old enough to realize right from wrong. Even my 5-year-old would be aware. This is just a sad story...and the mother will probably never forgive herself.
  17. Wow...so she was about 26 weeks. She is 3 weeks ahead of me. I couldn't imagine!
  18. If you want to get them something they can use and possibly don't have...I think an electric griddle is about the best kitchen gadget I have ever bought. Even if I am not making a big breakfast, it is still so convenient not to have to use a bunch of different pans. Great for making several pancakes at once or just bacon and some eggs. I really love mine and nothing EVER sticks to it. I don't know what brand it is...would have to look...but I bought it at Wal-mart for like $20.
  19. I totally disagree with her serving jail time for this, BUT at the same time...everyone knows you are not supposed to record in a movie theater. You just aren't, and no matter what the reason...you shouldn't do it. But like I said, I think it's stupid and she shouldn't go to jail. At most, the tape should be confiscated.
  20. She should definitely have to do the 3 years that he did. That is not fair! If they made it mandatory for knowingly false accusers to serve the same sentenced completed, I bet there would be a lot less of this type of thing.
  21. Ugh. My husband was a total Megan Fox fan until he watched a segment about how they made the movie. Her body is literally not real in the movie...like at all. All computer magic. They were trying to create an unbelievably hot girl, or so they said. He's all about some Kate Beckinsale and Evangeline Lily from Lost. Too bad Evangeline doesn't plan on acting anymore after Lost...she is doing it to raise money for charity, basically.
  22. Aw...happy birthday to her.
  23. And he's very patient...I know I drive him crazy with all of my silly know-nothing-about-cars questions.
  24. Lol! I yelled for them to shut up yesterday pretty loudly. I was just waiting for someone to come ask me what my problem was.
  25. I so agree with you. Everyone just worships them, it seems. Barf! Personally, I don't find her attractive at all other than looking "nice" and put together. Her physical attributes do not impress me, but everyone has their own ideas of beauty.
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