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Everything posted by Sugail

  1. I had three epidurals in my back in 1998 and remember feeling pretty bad afterwards. I still have back problems but I guess not as bad. I just assume that all my pains now are from fibromyalgia and just deal with it the best I can. My husband has horrible back problems from a hard fall while ice skating but he has no health insurance.
  2. It's showing that it will be on again tomorrow at 3 pm. It's on for four hours.
  3. Have any of you seen this movie - it's from 1999? I've seen it before but I'm watching it again tonight on VH1Classic. There are a lot of things in this movie that are hard to watch but the music is really great.
  4. I hate what antibiotics do to the stomach. Your baby is too young for yogurt but I always make sure my son eats plenty of yogurt when he is on antibiotics. Hope you are all feeling better soon.
  5. I was reading about an e-coli outbreak in Germany from cucumbers. There are a couple of Americans that were recently in Germany that are sick but they seem to be recovering. Sorry, I'm sure this isn't what is ailing everyone here - just thought I would mention it since I just read it at abcnews.com.
  6. I actually like her better than Meredith.
  7. Those styles are all very cute, but a little young for me. I sure could use some cool, comfortable, age appropriate clothes.
  8. Totally agree and if you're not having fun together the marriage will not last.
  9. I remember that topic and I thought about it yesterday when we got our Greystone bill. I noticed that it now has a disconnect date and that was one of the things discussed in Subby's thread.
  10. Very cool. They know you are a true fan. Happy birthday!!
  11. LadyRaider had something about Blackshear Resort in her thread - might be an idea. I would love to get to the beach sometime this year but right at the moment - give me some place with cooler temps. This heat is getting to me.
  12. Welcome back. Wow, you went to a lot of places. How many days did it take you to see all that?
  13. That's what I was getting at. Did someone give them a strong shove towards the window - hard enough to break the window.
  14. I wish they would bring them home too.
  15. Sorry. Way to make me feel stupid!!
  16. I heard that earlier too but then I heard an interview with the boyfriend and he said they were giving each other a big hug and fell towards the window.
  17. Two women fell ten stories from an Atlanta hotel, one died and the other is in the hospital. According to the deceased woman's boyfriend, the two young women were hugging after celebrating the deceased's birthday and got too close to the window (which was not open).
  18. I like them a little crisp too.
  19. Sugail


    All I can say is - WOW!
  20. Sugail


    Gives you a sick feeling in your stomach when you hear things like this.
  21. Thanks for the info. I found a tick attached to my hip a few years ago and it was engorged. Of course I showered everyday and was surprised that a tick was able to hang on to the back of my hip long enough to be engorged. I took the tick to the doctor and they did a lyme test - it was negative. I was checked again about three years ago for lyme and again it was negative. I still think that tick bite may have contributed to my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm glad that you were correctly diagnosed and treated.
  22. My son that lives in Albuquerque makes this for his wife all the time.
  23. Awww...Congrats!! He is very cute.
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