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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. Do they pray during graduation? I ask because I graduated from Mceachern in the 90's and if memory serves, I think there was a prayer said at mine. I'm all for the separation of church and state, but I look at it like it's just a building. Not a big deal.
  2. This topic makes me laugh. I actually did set a little cup of water next to the bird. naturegirl told me to, I trust her.
  3. boneless pork ribs with bbq sauce and curly fries.
  4. so basically she is suing because her feelings are hurt? I laughed when he asked her "when did you realize you were falling?"
  5. that made me LOL! I would love to see her close up, has she done any tv interviews?
  6. If my daughter has weekend homework, she does it. Easy as that. We all have to do things we don't want to do. Daily. It's part of life. I'm certainly not going to complain to a teacher for doing his/her job. responsibility dosen't go away on weekends, I wish to god it did. I need a day off. Besides how long does it take to do a little homework? weekends are 48 hours long not counting friday.
  7. in my experience it's best to just leave her. she will eventually come to and be on her merry little way.
  8. Oh, I see you've met my daughters father.
  9. balms and ointment. then a fancy dinner.
  10. oh, yes! sorry. I was shoveling my lunch down my throat really quick while reading them. The little one started to get fussy so I didn't reply. and then I forgot. I forget everything since this baby was born, you just wait. I got dumber, I can't spell anymore either.
  11. I guess I need to learn to be more optimistic. He hopped out of his box and flew away! Hooray! Sorry for the hysteria, I'm too much of an animal lover and have trouble with these types of things. For some reason my yard is a haven for dying birds. Last year I had a huge turkey buzzard in my back yard dying and bleeding. I have no idea why. As a result, giant turkey buzzards circled my yard for hours. I called animal control they said there was nothing they could do. he died. anyhoo, I'm glad the little fella is ok, he was cute:)
  12. That is truly outrageous! Truly, truly, truly outrageous.
  13. he's still just sitting there, I gave him water. I'm not feeling too optimistic:( What do I do if he's still sitting there in a few hours? I can take him to a vet when my hubs gets home but that's not till later. I can't afford to pay a vet bill for him. Will they just let me drop him off?
  14. ok, what if other birds start messing with him? do you think they will? This has me completely frazzled. Thanks everyone.
  15. I just went and got him off the front porch I put him in a shoe box without the lid in my open garage. I think something is either wrong with his wing or foot. When I picked him up he was very calm and just looked at me. so sad. Problem is, both my kids are here home with a cold. I REALLY don't want to drag the baby out with a cold, he's only 3 months. but I also don't want the bird to suffer. this sucks.
  16. I don't hear it chirping anymore and i'm too scared to open the door and look. Maybe it flew away, it sounded like a pretty hard hit. ugh, hold on....
  17. a bird flew into my glass door a min. ago. it's laying on my front porch chirping. It's definately injured. What do I do???? Ugh, this is terrible!!
  18. after seeing her on Oprah with her manic laughing and then on Silent Library, a ridiculous show on MTV where she pretended to shoot babies out of her vajayjay for teenage boys to catch, I have come to the definite and logical conclusion that her kids should taken and she thrown into a mental institution asap.
  19. my imaginary friends are all deaf. They can't hear the voices.
  20. I read to my daughter from day 1. She now loves to read, she would rather read than watch tv or play video games. She is very smart and has a vocabulary way beyond her years. I read to my 3 month old too. It's so cute to see his interest, he gets so excited. It's wonderful bonding time!
  21. I looked up the ob who was going to do my c-section. Her profile picture had her holding a drink, standing behing a table full of drinks and her about me said that she was forgetful and clumsy. haha! She did a good job though, i'm still alive!
  22. THANK YOU! I have been wondering what the heck SMH meant. It's true. about the cheerleaders. Many of the ones I went to school with are now chubby. Or just unattractive. It also seems they are all teachers or SAHM's Only one on my friends list is still really pretty and sweet. Also, their husbands are much less attractive than I would have imagined. my stoner friends are all moms now but most of them work. And all my exes are still single which does not suprise me at all. I have one semi-famous friend who is a comedian. he was a middle of the road type guy. not a stoner. I'm pretty op
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