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Everything posted by tbird

  1. My grandaughter is one of the cloggers!! On the senior team. Also have 2 on the peewee team, but they did not get to go this morning--Mom had to work.
  2. Luckily, I don't travel it daily anymore (since we moved our office). Did come home that way one day after running an errand and of course you still have the "special" folks that want to wait til the very last minute and jump in front of you when the lane ends.
  3. Or when somebody at PCHS looks at them the wrong way. I think they just found another soapbox to get on.
  4. OMG---two totally different people.
  5. I think if you look at just the prices--it should answer your questions. I have had several clients give up their homes just because of these neighborhoods (there are several in the Dallas area).
  6. If you just barely glance---it all looks like teletubbies!!!!
  7. I am telling you folks---try the Hoya stuff!!! It takes just like you used bacon grease or ham!!! It and a little bit of olive oil and you are set.
  8. Look in the mexican section of the grocery store and they have boxes of ham/pork seasoning. I think it is Hoya brand. It has little packets inside and for a large pot of beans--you would use 1 packet. I tastes really good. I used to use bacon grease in just about everything and now I use this stuff!!!
  9. BMR is at clogging with K!!! And yes, she can cook. Taught me everything I know!! I just can't get my biscuits to come out like hers or my old fashioned hershey cocoa fudge!!! And believe me I have tried for years.
  10. I think the funniest episode was the couple that was buying all of this stuff and saving their money to move to Hawaii. And they were going to take all their stash with them to Hawaii--because most of it was free. I don't guess they even thought about how much it would cost them to ship all that stuff to Hawaii--probably a lot more than they would have had they paid full price for all the groceries!!!
  11. tbird


    We were there on Tuesday night--grandkids had a clogging show there. If you want to see something hilarious---watch the hypnotist show. it is on the Cobb EMC stage at the back. We laughed til we cried!!!!
  12. HaHa--you know you can't do it!!! This lady has actually pulled into my driveway before and asked my 2 sons for money--telling them she was hungry. Luckily--they did not give her money. She kept on with her begging and my youngest finally told her to get the hell out of our yard. I did not realize it was her or I would have called the law on her. My neice has a friend that drives almost the same vehicle--and I thought it was her. I have no idea why she picked our house--other than the fact that we are right on Hiram Sudie and that day traffic was backed up from a wreck and she just saw the
  13. Did you sell your other house???? Several months ago, you posted something about letting the bank foreclose???
  14. Leftover chicken and dumplings that I made yesterday. They always taste better the second day!!!
  15. NOTHING!!! Cleaned house and did laundry yesterday. Cooked a pot of chicken & dumplings and I am just gonna eat leftovers today. Sometimes you just really need a day of NOTHING!!!
  16. Yes I remember--was there for years. My cousin used to work there.
  17. I have it set on my DVR for today, along with the View because Susan Lucci is co-hosting. I got out of watching it several years ago, but did watch for many, many years. Now--if they go messing with GH---I will really get mad!!! I do watch it every night (almost).
  18. All this time, I have been wondering if this case would have got all the attention if it had been a white man about to be put to death. Not being racist--just honest. And I know that some of you are thinking the very same thing.
  19. Not all "public defenders" are lowly. My former boss (who is now a Judge before the age of 40) took on several murder cases that he was appointed by the public defenders office and I guarantee you that he put just as much time into those cases as he did the cases that paid. I was at the office for many weekends and late nights that he did nothing but sat and listened and watched tapes from the sheriff's office. Did he win them--no, but you pretty much know going in what the odds are. You have to make sure that they get a fair trial and by doing that--you are defending them. It is not manda
  20. Quite a few, actually. Once folks get to us--they know they have screwed up. I see them from both sides. And I just don't understand how people can be condemned for the loss of a job(or similiar) that causes a situation. I would venture to say that half the folks on this board would have a hard time making their bills if the major (and sometimes only) breadwinner of the family suddenly lost their income. Many of these folks never dreamed that their jobs would fall apart--especailly after being at them for so long.
  21. I sincerely hope that some of you "holier than thou" folks don't ever get hit with a major job loss, major illness, etc. I see it everyday in my job. When you have been working a job for 15-20 years and you are used to living comfortably with your mortgage and your car payments and then all of a sudden you go from making mega bucks to living on unemployment---you have choices to make. Sometimes folks can't help what happens to them. I see people come in here and 3 years ago, they were making very good money, had a house that had a good bit of equity in it and a very decent mortgage payment
  22. I think that the SOL tends to go with the debt colloctor. If I am not mistaken--if they can prove that they sent one letter in that time period--it is not a stale debt. Not 100% sure, but maybe she can read up on it and find out more. A debtors attorney can tell you more specifics on that.
  23. I have bought so much makeup over the years at drug stores, etc. Could never get the color matched and in the drawer it would go. Finally started wearing Bare Minerals and no problems at all. And I love the fact that I can now get it at JCPenney and not have to drive to ULTA. $25.00 and it lasts 3-4 months. I was probably spending that in a month or 2 before and never had anything that worked. And I would never remember to take it back-or I would lose the reciept.
  24. You are correct. That is how BK attorneys get a lot of their business. Some do mailings and some don't. At my former employer--we got the information from a company and when we merged the letters, it had the person's name and address, the case number and the court that it was filed in (state court of cobb county, magistrate court of cobb county, etc). All of this is public information and a tool for advertising. Just like criminal defense attorneys send out advertisement letters when you get arrested. And this is probably just the first letter she will get---I would bet that she wo
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