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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Yeah, well I'm scared of giant spiders too.
  2. Yeah . . . I saw this just the other day. Bottom line is that this womack guy is a jackass and should be fired. I would bet he isn't even POST certified.
  3. Clearer?? It isn't the least bit clear. So you're saying that the guy who did Footloose didn't want to do Footloose in the first place? But he wants to use the Briarpatch and talk about Footloose? But you said that this guy is the producer of Footloose - you brought up Footloose in the first place . . . and now we are supposed to forget it?? And I had no idea that Zac Efron produced Footloose (the first or the second?).
  4. What now? Footloose with Kevin Bacon was filmed here? Or are they making a sequel of Footloose with Kevin Bacon in modern times?
  5. I didn't click the link . . . mainly because I am lazy, but also because hyperlinks scare me . . . But I think business ventures on the web are a passing fad. Mark my words: businesses will abandon the Internet within 1-2 years.
  6. First, back when the first alleged assaults took place, he wasn't "rich and powerful". Second, I have to wonder if there is any truth to these allegations because of the amount of time that has passed and now it's an issue . . . on the heels of him being so outspoken about the problems that the black community creates for itself. I also remember Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain - even Jessie Jackson - and the allegations brought against them after either being outspoken or on the verge of success. Destroy their reputation and you take away their credibility and/or authority.
  7. It's so cold, I bet you're wishing you had that machine burning in your house right now.
  8. Yes, there are two sides. The slight chance that you have a neighbor who paints his house pink or has a POS car in his driveway . . . Or the certainty that you will have a tyrant telling you to change your pinestraw. For every manager or supervisor or business owner, there is at least one kiss-ass . . . and that's all anyone who serves on an HOA wants: people to kiss their ass.
  9. And so it begins . . . You would think if schools wanted to start teaching things in a convoluted way, they would send something home to the parents explaining the steps so they could help their children. Good luck!
  10. The first story . . . I saw something on the news this morning about this, and that little dog is amazing.
  11. Looks like the plan is working. Maybe a little too well. Nice Danbo, btw.
  12. I believe people who "serve" in HOAs are mostly pathetic people who simply want to have control over others . . .
  13. This changes nothing! We go on as planned.
  14. Let's see . . . We have four kids . . . none of them bastards. Now my sister, that's another story.
  15. Should we go ahead and start raising money to bail you out?
  16. I hate to tell you - well, I don't hate to tell you and I don't necessarily find joy in telling you . . . it really makes no difference to my ultimate mood if I tell you or not . . . Anyway . . . this IS the first post. So . . . yeah.
  17. One problem with the chart . . . It only covers legally registered/purchased guns. But then the gangs in the northern cities and california probably don't have guns anymore.
  18. I'm having a hard time believing it has been over 3 hours since the start of this topic. Where has the time gone???
  19. Yes, there were two. And you should be sad, but it's done . . . there's no going back. It was like catching lightening in a bottle . . . You can't just start over, it would never be the same.
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