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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Well that was just hurtful. Good luck with that space bar!!
  2. Sounds to me like you lit the wrong end.
  3. That will make using the remote a little more difficult than it should be.
  4. You don't have thumbs???? What are you.. a cat?
  5. I think you look more like Molly Shannon.. if she put on glasses.
  6. We spend money all the time.. and tons of it... On bills, the house.. food, can't forget food... and gas for our POSs. What else is there?
  7. They are actually pretty good. But did you say that you exercise to that.. or sleep to that??
  8. Great. Is the county planning on increasing their sewage handling capacity?
  9. Congrats to you! But I would think that if you listen to Hanson, you should drop ### quick from all the vomiting.
  10. Hey LR! Hope all goes well.. sure it will... and that you have a speedy recovery. Unless you are wanting some extra time off, in which case I hope it takes a while to recover.
  11. I like applesauce.. Does that count?
  12. Traditional marching bands can be good.. and boring at the same time. Whatever. But when North played Osborne, I watched their band in the stands... and was entertained, so much so that I actually paid attention during half time and loved Osbornes performance. Apples and oranges? Without a doubt. But if Osborne is an orange, then that's what I prefer.
  13. We are doing our trick or treating tonight... Nov 1.. as God intended.
  14. Yeah, I don't like that walmart either.
  15. I am fully aware of the precedent, as I read the article. I would also remind you that back in '28 children were put to work at a very young age. Either way, it isn't right. But I'm sure that we could dig up a ton of laws that are really stupid today.
  16. Sorry about your problem. I know there's nothing that beats that new computer smell. Good luck.
  17. cmorg

    12:05 AM

    Crap. I guess now I have to stay up and shoot trick or treaters.
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