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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Now I wanna eat a baked potato while playing twister.
  2. Ah.. You're referring to the mental midgets, aren't you? Holy crap on a stick!! Really? Next we will have a midget come in here and fuss at us about talking about midgets... In his cute little voice... standing on a stool...
  3. No, I think they left a few behind on that mission. Who would've thought that some of the midget special forces would go native? And it was a bloodbath... Sad, really.
  4. There's an entire midget special forces unit. They invaded Munchkinland and over-threw the lollipop guild when they got all oppressive a few years back.
  5. Especially with a stick of butter.. some salt and pepper... Man, I want a hot baked potato.
  6. Five words: Chutes and Ladders.
  7. Two words: buy American. Stupid soviet era surface to air missles....
  8. There will always be the over-dramatic smartasses out there. But certainly there can be some cuts in everything that was listed in the above post. However, a sane person would look at depts like community development, taxes, labor, agriculture, dds and all others where cuts might can be made.
  9. So... I'm back from my.. um.. trip.. to the Cali coast. Did I miss anything?
  10. I think we should have Black Friday on Saturday this year. Less crowds, more rest before...
  11. Isn't a blink just a double wink??
  12. Oh,, I thought that you meant something like this....
  13. Well it doesn't get anymore laid back than this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdisa3yJpfs
  14. Maybe you need to listen to something more laid back. Like a little Pavarotti...
  15. cmorg


    But you'd make a terrible thong model.
  16. cmorg


    Male escort service, with guaranteed happy ending?
  17. That's why I am anonymous. It's the next best thing to being invisible.
  18. They are keeping the truck, the trailer and the driver.
  19. It was better than bad, but overall I didn't have a good weekend. I guess it could be said that my weekendend was ok.
  20. Typical crap. Whenever govt. talks about cuts, the bleeding hearts always say it is schools and/or public safety. That's what appeals to the masses.
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