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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. Prayers sent! And some good JUJU for good measure! Hope everything's OK.
  2. A to the MEN! I'm am OVER all this rain!!!!
  3. Homeowner's generally has on premise medical payments coverage. Whose property were you on? If no on premise medical payments coverage, the hackee should pay. Homeowner's also contains liability coverage, meaning if Hacker is liable for hackee's injuries, on the hook for medical and lost wages due to disability from injury, meaning doctor has disabled you from work. They won't pay if you just stay home and are not "disabled". Happy to splain in greater detail. Shoot me a pm.
  4. Heck with all that! It's time to go HOME!!!
  5. Rhonda & Family, Prayers for you and your family. Annette & John Nokes
  6. Wine tasting!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: All the wineries in the area are wonderful. It's free and it's fun!
  7. Panama - Gulf of Mexico is beautiful, the Atlantic leaves ALOT to be desired.
  8. hoohaa


    Sadly, no, not in my yard, came from an email, somewhere in Harrisburg, PA. All I have is my Tigger cat hoping to someday catch the wabbit in my back yard. When Tigger comes in at night the whole bunny herd comes out to feast in the yard. They are no longer afraid of headlights approaching, they munch away. I'll have to take pics and post.
  9. hoohaa


    This is so sweet. There are 5 pics total, I'll see if it will let me post them all. here's more
  10. Yay OC!! Update from my friend: OMG-they just shot a scene with her coming in our front door of lobby saying hello to me. I hit the big time, hee. Wait till you see her outfit, looks like a high class hooker, her shoes alone have heels that are 6 inches tall. (She's a tiny little thing). And that's really the way she dresses. Thank goodness she's so pretty, she manages to pull it off. How ever did we know in advance there would be 6" heels???!!!!...... LOL Can't wait for the OC tonight!
  11. Pronounced FAY DRA. She is an Entertainment lawyer at Piedmont Center. Turns out one of the show's producers was her wedding planner. She and her Mr. felony are expecting so they got hitched. http://straightfromthea.com/2009/11/04/off-the-market-attorney-phaedra-parks-ties-the-knot/
  12. Great, just Great. My friend tells me that the newest housewife of Atlanta chosen by BRAVO works in her law office on Piedmont and the crew from BRAVO is there today filming her for the upcoming season of Housewives of Atlanta. To quote my friend: "Dwight Edwards, the gay black dude on the show was here as well, brought in flowers for the shoot. He was wearing a full length fur coat (fox-shudder!) and was his usual effeminate self, but I can say he comes across very polished and professional and very nice." I am no FAN of the ATL housewives, but I do like Kandy. As for the rest, wh
  13. I'm sorry this happened to you. You're right, it could be alot worse. If you can't get the BB gun owners parents on board, think about all the good time bubbas with real guns out there with no clue how to use them safely. Years ago, when my oldest son was in 4th Grade at Northside Elementary, he was sitting quietly at his desk when something came thru the ceiling and fell on the desk in front of him, scattering insulation with it. Turns out it was a 30/30 bullet from a far away hunter. The police decided it must have been where some untrained hunter shot up into the air, not realizing what
  14. Years ago, when my oldest son was in 4th Grade at Northside Elementary, he was sitting quietly at his desk when something came thru the ceiling and fell on the desk in front of him, scattering insulation with it. Turns out it was a 30/30 bullet from a far away hunter. The police decided it must have been where some untrained hunter shot up into the air, not realizing what goes up, must come down, and when it does, it's a missle. THANKFULLY, after tearing thru the roof of the school and passing thru the drop tile ceiling, the missle was slowed and no children were injured. All I can do i
  15. LPPT, you are NOT alone. I too, count my blessings daily. I know, it sounds simple, but when it comes down to it, Having faith; Having your loved ones close; Sharing love and life with your family and friends; Having your health, a roof over your head, food on the table; Knowing that tomorrow is never promised and rejoicing in each new day; Being thankful for all the aforementioned; Simple me, that is all the happiness I need. Add to that, coming to Pcom to see that I am not alone and share life's joy with others. I am thankful to be so truly blessed. Thanks for sha
  16. My oldest son had to have surgery to lengthen/stretch his heel cords/achilles tendon twice. Once when he was six and again when he was 11.(He has cerebral palsy and the stretching the tightened cords helped straighten his legs to walk). Try soaking your ankle in moderately cold water and slowly add ice to the water. I know it's ouchie, but you absolutely NEED the cold to help with swelling and aid in healing. Take some alleve or tylenol in advance to lessen the blow. ((HUGS))
  17. Aw, she is gorgeous! Your family has been very blessed!
  18. Me too. You can also go to the UPS Store in New Hope. They're commerce members. Tell Glenn Hello!!
  19. We had AT & T for the last two years paying $75 per month for two phone lines. It was terrible. First our Palm Pre's had to be replaced twice. Not sure if it was the phone or the service, but let me tell you how MANY MANY calls got dropped. You couldn't make/receive calls unless you were standing in a certain part of our home, etc. (PS we live off East Paulding Drive right near tower!!). We switched to the Metro PCS family plan, four Samsung phones with unlimited talk/text/internet/long distance for $104 a month. We've had the phones since December and I have ZERO complaints. I have ne
  20. Michael Bernot, Peachtree Ortho. Team dr. to Atlanta Hawks and used to be Thrashers. He did an ACL reconstruction and repaired a bucket handle tear of meniscus for DH. New ACL and shaved meniscus work better than the other knee with original ACL.
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