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Everything posted by hoohaa

  1. Watch the video again. She tugs, he pushes her away, she attempts to throw 3 punches at him, she gets punched. No question who was in the wrong here. Case closed. No self respecting lawyer would take her case. She has none!
  2. There is a place that advertises they replace headliners on East Paulding Drive in the business offices in front of storage place. Luck!
  3. I am on the bi-annual maintenance plan with Ragsdales. They keep my heat/air/humidifier running smooth!
  4. Dear daughter and I rocked out the Wii for three hours in the basement bedroom. That Wii kicked my @ss! I am very sore now. Thanks storms!!!
  5. My friend just emailed me that his family's trucking business lost 8 tractors and 12 trailers in Tuscaloosa. Their Tuscaloosa terminal took a hard hit. Tamco Roofing, one of their major customers in Tuscaloosa, is completely GONE. They have 2 drivers in the hospital with serious injuries. They have another tractor/trailer that they cannot locate via satellite in Birmingham. It was supposed to be parked outside the driver's house and they cannot reach the driver either. They are sending someone to his home to locate. Scary stuff. Add to this, their business is self insured. MAJOR $$ HIT!
  6. Add to that, who is drunk, loud and barefoot in the IHOP in Buckhead at 4am Easter Sunday Morning? SMH.....
  7. Note to drunk girl: 1. Do not obstruct a police officer 2. Do not lay hands on a police officer That is all.
  8. I fixed it. Thanks LR! Sorry for the technical difficulties.
  9. Brandon, Mississippi will go down in history as the town where the Westboro Baptist Church met its match. The lunatics showed up to protest at the funeral of local hero Staff Sgt Jason Rogers who was killed in Afghanistan, but left town without making a peep. They may have made a few moans and groans, but no peeps. The Full Story Brandon, Mississippi got it right!
  10. And the word goiter! EW hurl.. Back to the topic, if swearing helps with pain, I SHOULD BE PAIN FREE most each and every day.
  11. Theory: Gretchen's complexion is so awful due to the Gretchen Beaute' line she is pimping.
  12. I remember watching Diana and Charles. It was a fairytale wedding. What girlee girl would have missed that? I wish I could watch, but the ceremony starts at 7 a.m. our time. Not missing work for it, but I will watch the dvr version at a later date with DD.
  13. Soooo jealous! Hope you have the trip of a lifetime! I want to follow the blog too! PM sent. Have fun!
  14. My kids are all but grown, so I plan to pose the herd of beasts at my home for pics. (Elmo, Moo and Tigger). Here is a pic from my friend Chris of his sweet babies. The one in the middle looks like he is plotting his revenge!! What's everyone else doing for easter, besides sunrise service?
  15. Congratulations to all of you! Very inspiring! Now tell us what/how you are doing it!
  16. Too late for a bomb shelter. Already burped and buried circa 1991. Wonder how it's holding up.....
  17. They're vaults. Think giant tupperware container for your coffin. My Mom bought one pre-need. She joked that we should make sure to burp her container before they filled in the grave...
  18. You got it! Prayers and good thoughts, good juju too! (((hugs)))
  19. I think I just threw up a lil bit. Ions ago, we had a retired Dekalb Detective that worked investigations for us. When he would come in to the office he would be talking to the ladies of the office about run of the mill, everyday business, and without fail, while looking you straight in the eye, scratch himself down there. I mean go to town, like a dog chasing a flea around. UGH! He obviously had done this for years and was so used to doing so, he had no clue he was standing there talking to ladies doing this. It was AWFUL. He also had a bad habit of standing behind the ladies if they
  20. We HAD an employee that drove us nuts nuts nuts. We tried everything to be nice to her and help her fit it. She simply craved attention and would do anything to get it. She worked up front and would make excuses to come to the back offices and SCAN US. (picture body walking forwards, head turned to the side staring in your office to see what you're working on). It felt like non-stop drive by SCANS. Not just the occaisional, hey how you doing.. etc. It was constant, manic, pacing SCAN SCAN SCAN. She didnt even try to pretend to be subtle about it. I am pretty sure she had a disorder and simply
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