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Everything posted by K96W8

  1. K96W8

    Help ASAP

    The signs to the school will take you on Dabbs Bridge Road. Soon after you pass Burnt Hickory Ball Park and a church on the right you take a right onto Dabbs Bridge Road (there a is sign that says Dabbs Bridge and a sign to schools). Go to 4-way stop sign and take a left onto Harmony Grove Church Road--you will see the schools to the right. Go all the back to the high school. The baseball field is just past the football field.
  2. K96W8

    Help ASAP

    My son will be working the camp--tell him Zach is the one who sold him the bat. Glad he's going--I hope has fun!
  3. A few years ago we went to Islands of Adventure in Orlando for Winter Break. It was wonderful, warm and not too busy.
  4. My husband wants one. He said Clark Howard recommends it.
  5. I'm not a professional anything--but I think C focuses all the attention to your face. They all look great.
  6. I think everyone should have Verizon--because DH works for Verizon Business. Family plan works great for us.
  7. I haven't had a hair cut since May! I need to call for an appointment next week.
  8. Not trying to argue--my kid stayed all day and drove home without a problem. But in high school attendance is kept in each class. If you miss no more than 3 days in a class you are exempt from finals--so you don't want to miss. If I thought roads were bad I would have picked him up though.
  9. I'm glad you and your wife were able to help your son resolve this.
  10. Same kid with great smile in this one! I gave him a hat--but it was even uglier than the others. I just found it in the garage. Where are the little boys who should be playing in the yard?
  11. You're right. From other threads it sounds like East and South were released about an hour early. North was released only a few minutes early--but my kid made it home without any problem. I have to edit almost every time I post. Why do I see the typos right after I press add reply?
  12. Those words are great--and now I need cake (but chocolate candy will have to do).
  13. I think what UgaDawgs98 was saying is you get points for the offense you're stopped for and any moving violation is 3 points. They don't add extra points for breaking the rule--but add an extra fine and probably impound your car. You will lose your license with 4 points if you're under 18--so any other offense would cost your license. The driving rules: STEP TWO - INTERMEDIATE LICENSE (Class D) The license is granted to drivers between 16 and 18 years of age who have held an Instructional Permit for 12 months and passed a driving test. The Intermediate License has the following rest
  14. I bet he won't take a chance for the 6 months--that is a LONG time! I don't think mine is doing this--but he doesn't think it's a big deal and thinks I'm crazy for enforcing it. I can't believe with so many in law enforcement on here someone hasn't given the answer. I'm not going to let him do it--I'm just curious.
  15. We went to Henry's in Acworth. I had the Saint Maurice salad, shrimp and grits, and bread pudding to go. The food is great and I love Henry! Just ate some of the bread pudding--it is wonderful.
  16. A one time purchase of a Blue Ray player would be much better than a monthly charge forever. Thank for the info.
  17. This may be a stupid question--but are you all saying you can buy the HDMI cable and get a good picture without the HD cable box? We just got our first HD TV in November and love it. We would like to have one for another room--but don't want to pay another $7 a month for the cable box.
  18. I bet if you try again in the morning you'll get it put together in no time. (And maybe someone will be awake to help you.)
  19. Under the graduated driving laws a new driver cannot drive with anyone in the car under 21--other than immediate family for the first 6 months. Looking online it looks like the penalty is 3 points on their license. Can someone who knows tell me for sure? My kid has friends whose parents let them drive and ride with people who have not had their license long enough. I do not and will not let him do either--but I would like to know.
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