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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. That is awesome!! You got a good kid. Not many would think of something like that at his age.
  2. I will probably end up with Grammy or Mamaw. Grammy was what my kids called their Dad's mom and Mamaw is what they call my Mom. I am only 46 so I am a young Grandma.
  3. LOL.....I like some of these! I am happy!! I just wanna spoil the baby rotten and send them home. HEHEHE
  4. Shoot my normal "once a month" kills my iron. I cant imagine having to much!! Now that is scary!
  5. OK.....In a little shock here. My daughters calls me up and says she needs to come over. I am thinking ok what's wrong. She will tell me when she gets here. She walks in and hands me this stick. I look at it and say ok what is this? She cracks up and tells me to read it. Then I realize what it is..... a pregnancy test! I am happy but no way is anyone calling me Grandma! I gotta come up with a cooler name!
  6. Same here my middle is the worst area. I have lost 4 sizes so all my clothes are too big. I LOVE Kohls! I went there a couple weeks ago and got 4 pairs of pants for less than 20 bucks! Its rare that you cant find a good deal in there.
  7. Thats interesting because I have had to have a blood infusion because of my iron and I have never craved anything. I am constantly drinking something though. I guess she has rainbow poop too.
  8. I saw the woman that ate the toilet paper. What could you possibly crave from toilet paper? I have heard of stuff like chewing ice when your iron is low.
  9. small hyjack here...Does your daughter still work with 911? If so does she like the work?
  10. I kinda figured that!!! Have to wonder what he jumping out the window to get away from? OMG...I am sitting laughing my butt off and my daughter came in to check on me! You have made my day.
  11. I had tea coming out my nose when I read this part!!!
  12. Yep and its decent. I wasnt sure how they would mix but it turned out to have a great plot that worked.
  13. These are wonderful!! I love how wedding photos have changed.
  14. Same goes for me. Stress is a really bad trigger. My son sleeps so light that he knows when I get up and gets me back to bed. I have cooked, gotten ready for work, called people on the phone or sent a text. I have done so many crazy things. Its embarrassing but for the most part people that know me just laugh it off.
  15. I thought I was the only person that came in contact with crazies at Wallyworld! I have had people at Christmas time take things out of my shopping cart and once I was backing out of a parking space and a couple was walking by. I didn't see them right away but stopped real quick when I did and the guy kicked my car!! I was so ticked off that I got out of the car to get in the guys face about it and my hubby at the time had to stop me. Been in the deli and a woman wanted one slice of ham but every time they sliced it she wanted it different. Finally she was told take it or leave it and she got
  16. Salt was decent and The Tourist too.
  17. For me I feel like I am gonna have a heart attack I am so scared when I finally come out of it. I take a sleep aid and a bi-pap machine. I stop breathing about 76 times during the night which is why I didnt get to REM sleep. Your body wakes you up enough to start breathing. The less REM sleep you get the more vivid your dreams are. You should talk to your Dr and he can help you figure out what is best for you. You may just need help getting to REM sleep.
  18. I have sleepwalked for years. Along with that is night terrors. I spent a couple night at a sleep clinic and had one when I was there. I am waking but cant move or breath as I am coming out of it. I can see the whole room and the dream at the same time. Once I woke up in the middle of the living room crying. I had tried to run away from it. I have also woke up screaming. For me I have a hard time getting into REM sleep.
  19. I agree with you on this one! These people are as low as it gets. pssst...I have two tattoos. shhhhh
  20. Your right only Mothers can understand. When they are growing up your glad when they sleep through the night, can tell you what hurts and so many other things. Today has been bittersweet.
  21. I cried my eyes out writing this. It didnt seem so long ago that she was a baby and I would rock her to sleep. I wish she could be little again so I could rock her one more time.
  22. ‎21 years ago God gave me the most precious gift my daughter Brittney. Its hard to believe how fast times flies by. My life changed the day your were born and my love for you has grown everyday. I have always tried to protect you and guide you in the right direction. I love you more than can express and will always be there for you when you need it. Happy Birthday baby!
  23. Well now its the other end but still have the horrible stomach cramps. I took a warm bath this morning and it seemed to help. Don't know why but it did. I hope everyone else who has this feels better soon. I know I hope I do. Its hard when a baby gets sick because they cant tell you what's wrong.
  24. OMG that is too funny!! I once had a neighbor ask to borrow toilet paper. I told him to keep it. I didn't need it back!
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