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Sheriff Andy Taylor

Mayberry Sheriff
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Everything posted by Sheriff Andy Taylor

  1. Well, Happy Birthday Ms Jesse. Hope you're feeling well!
  2. I can tell you right now that this isn't always true! Sometimes there are people who like to gang up on people, businesses included, that they have a beef with, and simply go after them.
  3. The members who are taking the time and offering not only their opinion but also potential solutions to this issue are appreciated. This is much more productive for us all than to simply continue to whack said horse with a stick over and over again.
  4. Please stay on topic citizens. The topic is going well and could turn into a productive conversation for all parties. Let's keep it that way. Thank you.
  5. Let's stay on topic please. So far it's going well and could turn into a productive conversation for all parties. Thank you.
  6. No. No responses were deleted at all. One topic was merged into another. Perhaps you were posting it at the exact time I merged, and it was lost in the transfer. That has occurred before.
  7. Merged two topics into one. Carry on folks.
  8. A few members have suggested the political and religious forums be allowed on the open board so everybody can see those threads without the password. The local election season is over and some people think that everybody should see the poltiical discussion. If these forums are on the open board, it will mean Google will track them. The mods will apply the same rules to these forums, just like the Cafe. That means no lables or name calling.
  9. Reporting the Poll Troll is not an issue.
  10. We investigate to the best of our abilities. You can be a helpful Pcom member and hit report on these troll favorite polls so that they can be handled asap.
  11. This topic doesn't have to run off the road, down an embankment, and into a large oak tree, the way other topics of this nature have. Remember what your Mama or your Nana told you? If you can't say something nice, keep your trap shut?!!!! Well, if not, here's the Sheriff telling you that. Some people seem to really enjoying showing their rude mean streaks lately and it is really ridiculous. If you wish to just spew, go here to do it: http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=214024 Otherwise, stay on topic in here, or ignore the thread.
  12. There are tactful ways of expressing an opposing opinion. I think some of our Pcom members need reminding of that. Tread lightly or that pothole may turn into a full blown sink hole down this pathway.
  13. Sorry that your topic is rearranged due to move the other posts into this topic. Great work on that tattoo. I wonder what a pcom popo tattoo would be like?
  14. You are an excellent photographer. Thank you for sharing your work with us!
  15. My sister told me about this store. Where exactly is it? EDITED TO ADD. Now I read the rest of the posts and see where it is. Sorry.
  16. Well Bubba, I'm sorry you feel that way. As I tried to explain in the rules, there won't be any major differences now that we have moderators than before we had them. If you'd give me, and my Deputies, a chance, you may see that we're not trying to censor anyone, just keep this place fun and friendly. Give us a few days, or weeks, and then if you still have complaints, we'll discuss them.
  17. So far, we don't have a Barney or any other Deputies. I'm accepting applications, though. I just hope those Darlings don't get too out of hand...or worse...Ernest T. Bass shows up before I get some backup.
  18. And, while I've got your attention, if anyone is interested in being deputized as a moderator, please email me at andy@paulding.com. I know a few of you have expressed interest to Pubby, but he's delegated the deputizing to me, so let me know! The more Deputies, the better!
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