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Everything posted by Peaches

  1. They are good marketeers and know how to sell their product (themselves). They are just good business people and highly entertaining. Free enterprise at its best.
  2. The article said this happens because of how Americans are viewing race, especially among the Hispanic population. It just reflects the changing cultural landscape that too many people just cannot accept.
  3. Would you explain what exactly is the "gay lifestyle?" I'm just curious because I don't know of anyone who has a different lifestyle. The only thing that is different is they are attracted to the same sex. How is that a lifestyle?
  4. Damn she looks good and she is 40 years older than me!
  5. You're not interested in hearing another point of view. You are only interested in arguing until you turn the topic to the us vs them.
  6. I was going to go into some explanation of the complicated issues around this but never mind. Won't do any good.
  7. You still don't get the point. This is so typical of what someone who has a closed mind does when shown the complexities of a situation and that there is another point of view other that their own. Now I remember why I don't like posting here - it is pointless.
  8. Kinda like Christians deciding what how Muslims should interpret the Koran.
  9. And that is really unfortunate.
  10. Which shows you really have missed the whole point.
  11. This sounds sleazy. Hope it is not true but if he is paying the blackmail, he needs to be exposed.
  12. I must admit when I first read this I thought you were joking. That you don't understand the complexities of the term would also indicate you don't understand the underlying racism perhaps of your own ideas, but certainly of the culture as a whole. http://www.tolerance.org/magazine/number-40-fall-2011/feature/straight-talk-about-n-word
  13. This means our teenagers are doing better than their parents. What happened to all the dire predictions about what the Lewinsky scandal do?
  14. So you want teachers to be "treated like any other employee?" You want to be able to fire teachers because there needs to be a slot for a new football coach? Or because they are costing the taxpayer more money after 20 years than a brand new teacher? Or a principal wants to teach a certain version of history? Or a school board wants only certain books read? Really? You really want to go to a system where there is no academic freedom to question at all?
  15. You're right. I was in a hurry and hadn't finished my coffee yet.
  16. There are two reasons premiums are going up. The first is the natural price increase in the cost of health care because more technological advances mean more cost. The second is, especially in Georgia, is that the expansion of Medicare was rejected. Obamacare cut the payments to hospitals to more of a rewards system for care instead of a block payment system. So for Georgia, those hospitals are getting less money from the Federal government but still have to serve those who don't have insurance because there is no Medicare expansion. That means the providers of care have to charge more, the in
  17. I can only speak for myself but my health insurance rates have been going up every year. My parents say the rates have been going up for the last 40 years. My grandparents say the rates have been going up for 60 years. I guess Obamacare was something that went back in time and cost everyone money going back to the Eisenhower adminsitration.
  18. I would say it is at best insensitive and at worst racist. There are some things that probably shouldn't be said because it is not funny to many people and this is one of them, in my mind. Many see nothing wrong with it, but many more do. Kinda like the whole "teabagger" thing from a few years ago. Can't we just get along and not do or say something if it is going to offend a large number of people?
  19. Damn. Someone needs to chill. It's not like he has been married 4 times or anything. (Maybe he has. I don't know.) Just back off the pissed off button. This seems to be about the crazy people in the world who will believe anything if it fits their warped political ideas. Who peed in your Cheerios?
  20. I remember the tunnels from back when I was in high school! Haven't thought about that in years. There are some real crazies in this world if they believe something so outlandish.
  21. These are but a few of the many examples the poor endure all the time. When there is a shooting, the first reaction is it is like one of these examples because that is the reality of the minorities and the poor. No wonder the overreaction is there. The fact that more of the white middle to wealthy class don't see it says more to their willful blindness than it does to the overreaction by the poor. That there is no ferocity in the outrage over this shooting is really a glimmer of the underlying systemic racism and bias against the poor.
  22. Worked in the yard a bit this morning before church. Had dinner with my parents and brothers. Great day!
  23. I have no idea why your science teacher would tell you that global cooling was the prevailing idea. All I can do is show you the information that says that idea was a crack-pot idea. Only a small number of scientists talked about it and it was in the media, but it was never the idea of most scientists. I agree that personal agendas are everywhere. That doesn't change the hard evidence. There is no "in between" on this because all the science has shown the current climate change is not naturally occurring. It has all shown this time to be caused by man. That is not an "in between" but a rea
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