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Everything posted by Peaches

  1. I'm saying that religion took what everyone knew was wrong and made it part of the religion.
  2. Religion adopted these morals from what everyone knew was wrong, not the other way around.
  3. I know you're talking to the other person but those two things are not religious at all. Even people with no religion will say those are just wrong because it is not a right thing to do, and it has nothing to do with religion.
  4. If you study history, virtually every culture on Earth considered slavery to be acceptable and women were to subjugted and to be property of their husbands. Does that make that ancient definition of what is marriage right? The reason marriage was only between a male and female was of ignorance and prejudice. We are a bit more enlightened about things now and don't live in superstition and ignorance any more. We found out a long time ago that the earth is not the center of the universe.
  5. It is you that is terribly misinformed. The reason schools and school employees cannot encourage students to pray is because that would be government promoting religion. It has nothing to do with the money. Private employers may not promote a hostile work environment and that includes badgering employees about prayer or religion in general. You are very wrong about that. It is not illegal for churches to refuse same sex marriage rites or any religious rite. That has never been done. Losing tax exemptions are for engaging in politics and refusing a marriage rite is not the same thing. B
  6. You're jumping past the point I made. Your'e talking specifically about refusal of service to gays, while I was talking about discrimination in general. A state might not protect gays, but that may or may not make discrimination illegal, depending on a lot of things. It still opens up civil lawsuits. You said churches had lost tax exempt status for things like this. That is not true. Some have lost it because they involved themselves in politics, not because they refused to perform a rite or did perform a rite. Education is not different because we get government funds. We are diff
  7. You can't just make up things about the law. Federal law prohibits you from discrimination. State law may go further but can't negate or make less that protection. Same way in education when we have students with special needs. Because being gay is not a protected class under Federal Law but some states go further and do add that class. A business cannot discriminate for just any reason to anyone.
  8. It has been done but for those groups that endorsed candidates. A church has never been told it must perfcorm a the rite of marriage any more than it has to perform a funeral. You're wrong about the business. Businesses have to serve the public and follow the equal access laws. No business should be able to discriminate. That's the law and all businesses have to follow the law.
  9. That's not how the tax exemption works for churches. A business license means the business has to act for all the public. A business and is not given leeway like a church is given. Tax exemption cannot be taken away because a church won't perform a religious rite. That's not what happened in Houston.
  10. That's because the government issued the license. A church cannot issue a marriage license.
  11. Maybe because it is wrong for the government to force people into a marriage contract? Why would anyone propose government being able to force someone to get married?
  12. Or maybe the reporter misspoke because no one ever does that in real life, right?
  13. You are trying to set up "political correctness" as the demon here? No, your extremism is the problem and you are so extreme that even a conservative position looks far left.
  14. It does show your bias to not look at the instances from the perspective of a community that has good reason to distrust the police. Your repsonse here shows your attitude and thankfully you're no longer in that line of work. Attitude is the first thing employers want to look at.
  15. Maybe you should do the same and look at the whole of these instances from the perspective of a community that were, and still are, the targets of police and white society. Neither the police nor any one group has a monopoly on the truth perspective, but at least do what you say others should do.
  16. You didn't even understand what I said. I give up. There is just no talking to some people because they don't even understand the conversation. Have at it.
  17. Really? Is there a reason you don't condemn the Catholic Church for not allowing women the role of priest or bishop? Equal rights. Tell me again what groups was it that fought against the Equal Pay Act? Or women having the right to vote or hold public office?
  18. Certainly. You have the same view about Muslims as does NewsJunkie, right? I'm just calling it for what it is. When you put an entire group of people in the same box as that of the extremists, then you are a bigot. Especially when you don't do that for the Christian religion.
  19. So are you standing against the Catholic Church with the same vigor? Or the Christian groups that don't support equal rights for women?
  20. And yuou have drifted so far from the truth that you call bigotry a political reality. Masquarading hate for fact.
  21. I don't know what your problem is or why you're being such an ass. I never said some didn't interpret it as literal. I said most do not. You have a problem and are acting like some sort of school yard bully. You can have this site. I quit.
  22. I know, right? It doesn't really mean what it says because it is open to interpretation, and that interpretation is only available to some people, at some times, and in some situations. Other people can't interpret it differently. The interpretation goal posts move depending on the situation for some people.
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