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Everything posted by MaineGal

  1. I feel very grateful that I send my children to a school system that has responsible adults making decisions. Thanks again PCBOE!
  2. Really, I'm not stupid, but what is asian slaw??
  3. Not trying to defend the driver, but if (for some reason) he/she didnt see the woman, he/she may not have heard the hit. Utility trucks can be loud. Not defending, I just would like to know the facts before making too many assumptions. Praying for the woman.
  4. Probably not, the next thing I know, I will be on testosterone....and pregnant!
  5. I've been putting buckets of water in mine instead of boiling....Just kidding!!!! I actually wondered that same question myself, and had to think twice when I pulled the clean ones out, wondering if they were "clean".
  6. The thing of if is, these repairs are more than just dropping by a dinner, or ripping up some flooring. Home renovations are in the tens of thousands of dollars. In this economy it is not possible for neighbors alone to stabilize all the families affected by disaster. Agreed, it would help cut labor costs, but when so many people are living paycheck to paycheck, they cant even begin to purchase the first piece of drywall for their homes. I dont think the government will be buying all these people new homes, but paying to fix them, or relocate the families to another home. To think that the
  7. Dead serious, and the child is a "bean pole" now. My largest was 8lb 10oz, and I thought I was going to die...
  8. Oh! I got ya now! It seems crazy when people dont think it all through.
  9. Yah, I dont think I want them filling my prescriptions!!
  10. The GOVERNMENT ie, YOUR TAX DOLLARS are already paying for it.If the majority paid into insurance, the money would be there to supply the help when needed. Kind of like AUTO INSURANCE. Think about it. You are already paying for it, like it or not. I wasnt necessarily talking about the government, but when things like this happen, everyone pays either way.
  11. Agreed. Temporary assistance is there for a reason. Those people that are all high and mighty and bash people everytime they ask a question about benefits, or getting help...may find themselves in need someday...in need beyond what they can handle themselves. People that abuse it, give it a bad name, and the narrow minded cant distinguish between the needy and the abusers. I have never gotten any assistance, and been a single Mom at one time. I busted my butt to care for us, but ONE disaster would have put us over the edge. Luckily I've pulled myself up without help, but not everyone can
  12. I would think its meant for people that lost more than carpet. A whole renovation can be very expensive, and if they dont have money there will be health concerns from mold, or better yet, people who were okay before are now homeless and on welfare. Maybe flood insurance should be mandatory, then we wouldnt have this problem.
  13. Both of mine, didnt weigh that much together!! My ex boss had an 18 lb girl...natural.
  14. There is large scale, and small scale assistance when in need. The problem is when it is abused. Welfare, food stamps, etc is short term, not a career. Federal assistance in a major disaster is for just that. If the state asked the feds for money every time they needed to fix a water pipe or a road, that would be abuse. The problem is, the state needs to prove the need for assistance, and probably dont get what they need in a disaster. Meanwhile, the CEO's, CFO's and GM's of the WELFARE COLLECTION COMPANY (lifelong welfare recipients), dont have to do anything for what they get. O
  15. I just came from Thornton road. It wasn't backed up yet but the light was out at the railyard
  16. You can change this word out for "LOSERS". Sounds immature, but I hate theives. Nothing like kicking someone when they're down.
  17. I couldnt have said it better myself! May karma come back around and bite them back hundreds of times over.
  18. I would try to spend a little time browsing around and seeing whats going on before I post, BUT I probably wouldnt go back several pages. These past few days are a little different, because there has been so much going on that "new" threads can move to page 3 pretty quickly!!
  19. Thanks MillCreek! It sounds just like I'm feeling!
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