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Everything posted by MaineGal

  1. No problem!! I didnt even know it was there...
  2. Maybe there are no mods??---HMM time for a hot topic, when the cat's away the kittens will play!!
  3. Can I please have a password for the Womens Forum? Thank you.
  4. never been, wheres it at?
  5. Oh here we go again! I'm praying for everyone to please have common sense.
  6. I'm sorry to hear your brother and your family are going through this right now. Prayers said.
  7. I say girl! I didnt find out with my first son, but chose to on my 2nd, so I could organized clothes, etc. Luckily I did because during the ultrasound, the doctors caught a kidney problem that would have gone unnoticed for a long time. I had to be induced early, and he had surgery at 1 year old, but it is 99% corrected and saved many problems down the road. Strange how things happen. On that note..I'm jealous!! Congrats to all the soon to be Moms! I have two (9 and 11) and miss my babies!!
  8. Yes, I have made MANY stupid decisions! And yes, I could use all the help I could get if I were in danger, and I'm sure an Eagle Scout knows far more than me. I do think he was overcharged, and possibly someone was trying to make a point. If I choose to do something stupid..drink and drive, jump off a bridge..scale a 50 story building..that was my choice and my bad decision. My main point is that I dont think the average taxpayer who doesnt put themselves at risk should have to pay for my poor judgement. On that same note, if I do decide to get myself in trouble, I dont think I should pay
  9. On another note, search the Maine news. About a month ago when the tropical storm was heading up the east coast, the ocean waters were very high and very dangerous. Park officials as well as police put road blocks closing the viewing area because of the high tides and dangerous conditions. Several people refused to heed to the warnings and crossed the lines anyway. Well, they were swept into the ocean and at least 3 people died, including a 7 year old that didnt make the decision to be there. Her father did. Now, parents that put their children at risk in drug houses, get charged for that
  10. Actually yes. This particular area is VERY dangerous if not on the trails. There are very steep embankments that lead into rapid waters. There are wateralls, and proper places for viewing. Not necessarily calling you dumb, because on trails in less dangerous areas, it wouldnt be as big of a deal.
  11. Basically, we are talking about on a ski slope where the signs clearly read "Do not go past this point, dangerous conditions", or a flooded road that says "Do not enter", or a national park that says "Stay on Trails". Crossing these lines should be considered breaking the law. Trying to get home in flood conditions or getting hit by an avalanche on ski trails that are open, is not breaking the law. Furthermore, if I get injured and the ambulance comes, I get charged for it. there is no statute that says the ambulance is free, if it wasnt my fault I got injured. A helicoptor, search team, s
  12. MaineGal


    Thank you! I almost feel whole now...
  13. I think this pertains to skiiers as well. When they intentionally go past the signs to ski on "better" areas for the rush, and get injured or lost. I'm pretty sure they get charged for it, because they went past the signs, basically breaking the law. If the NH boy had gotten lost unintentially, he probably wouldnt have been charged. When people purposely put themselves in harms way for their own satisfaction, they are taking the risk and should be held accountable. Some cases would have to be decided in court due to the fine line of intentional vs accidental. It is easy to become disorien
  14. It opened yesterday afternoon. I posted it yesterday in the road forum, but its not pinned in the cafe anymore.
  15. I had one that was doing that, and ended up having to replace it because I use it for work as well, and get tons of emails. If you are just texting, try this: Open the internet browser Click on the button to the left of the roller ball Scroll down to options Open up the "Cache Operations" Then clear all 4 tab options. That should empty out a lot of the memory type stuff. It does not affect anything major. When I did it, the only thing that happened was it would ask me for my password again when visiting websites, because that would have been cleared. To check how full
  16. Staff reported to work today, it was probably discussed then. I believe the teacher spoke about what precautions would be taken, should the boil water advisory still be in effect. Such as, bringing bottled water and hand sanitizer.
  17. I am very sorry to hear, but you have a bunch of PCOMMERS praying for your family right now. Be safe and hang in there. Dont hesitate to ask for help.
  18. Oh, and two, to, too I've seen top execs that cant get these correct. Makes ya wonder... I could feel the love!!
  19. I know, I'm just messing with you. Punctuation isnt so bad for me, but I get irritated with these: there, their, they're.
  20. Darn!! You're harsh.....I get to typing so fast, I cant be bothered by punctuation!!!????....,,,,,,,,,:::::"""";;;; Does it count if you put them all at the end?
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