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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. I'm not a doctor or psychologist, but it sounds like she is suffering from depression (saying that as someone who has been there). I lost my oldest sister very suddenly and it caused me to go into depression. I'm taking it that the doctor has checked out everything that could be physically wrong with her. If he has, and you have some way to convey it to him, let him/her know that depression may be the cause. I don't think your aunt is completely correct. There IS something wrong with your mom but I honestly don't think it's physical. Gently suggest to your mom that her pro
  2. She's been great. It just takes a while for things to work through the system In fact, when I go to the company website, it won't even let ME make the changes. It's like it's a system glitch. I know our agent is as frustrated as we are. She's been wonderful about things. The really bad thing is, she had all the information correct when we got the policies back in March but somehow things got messed up after that.
  3. EVERYTHING only shows my name. That's what concerns me.
  4. I can't tell which of us is the primary driver. I think I'm the primary driver for the one I drive and he is the primary driver for the two he drives. I know with our other insurance company it took forever and a day to get the change made from "work" on his car to "pleasure" when he stopped working. BTW, I've asked my agent to correct this, along with some other little nitpick items that I feel are important to have correct, whether or not it changes the billing. For instance, our rental house is listed as "owner occupied" and "seasonal". It is neither. For the longest time it was
  5. My name appears to be the ONLY name on the policy because everything comes addressed to me only and in the past when we were with this same company it came to both of us. And it's bugging me because I don't own the vehicles, hubby does. Heck no, I'm happy with what we're being charged. We've insured three vehicles for what we used to insure two (and actually less since we got an "affinity" discount).
  6. I don't care for fat free food but nothing else on that list is wrong though perhaps not the best thing. The last line says it all.
  7. I tried that. Apparently his PM box is full. to me, it does. I no longer own a vehicle. Sold mine to a Pcommer.
  8. I keep going round and round with my insurance company about our auto policy. They have ME listed as the insured but I don't own the vehicles, my husband does. Is this correct???
  9. You have NO idea how true this is. There are some on Pcom who wouldn't want what I know about them known.
  10. This is known as a fact?? News flash! There are a lot of workers here who don't get paid minimum either. Or who don't get overtime pay. Let's clean up our own backyard before we go telling other countries how to deal with their problem.
  11. Unfortunately, people in this country who do walk, whether for exercise or out of necessity, are subjected to harassment, intimidation and danger from people who don't walk, like people who drive. My daughter walks A LOT. She has been accosted, called names, almost run over (while she was in the crosswalk and crossing with the light) and one man got angry with her when she turned down his offer for a ride. She now carries pepper spray AND her knife. Coincidentally, my daughter has lost about 150 pounds since she started walking so much.
  12. Yes, and Mexico has one. So, let me understand this. You're saying that Walmart should pay its Mexican workers more than that country's minimum wage when it only pays its American workers this country's minimum wage? Should it not pay in proportion? Say a job here pays 1 1/2 times minimum wage, $10.88 an hour, should it pay the workers in Mexico doing the SAME job $6.53 a day which is ALSO 1 1/2 times their minimum wage?
  13. Using that logic, why should minimum wage be $7.25 an hour in metro Atlanta and $7.67 an hour in Florida, $7.65 an hour in Arizona, $7.75 an hour in Alaska, $8.00 an hour in California (but $10.24 an hour in San Francisco), $8.25 an hour in Connecticut and Illinois, $8.80 an hour in Oregon, $9.04 in Washington if all McDonald's counter workers do the same job? Shouldn't they all be paid the same? Granted the McDonald's worker in San Francisco isn't making 10 times what the McDonald's worker in Dallas, Ga is making but they are making MORE for the SAME job with the SAME company (we're going t
  14. I'm saying "fair" for the area, not "fair" across the board. If $7.25 an hour is "fair" here but the same minimum wage elsewhere is $4.20 a DAY, that is fair THERE.
  15. I get updates from Facecrooks, which does a pretty good job of keeping users informed of scams and real concerns. Apparently this is REAL and not a scam. http://facecrooks.com/Internet-Safety-Privacy/350000-internet-users-could-lose-web-access-on-july-9-are-you-one-of-them.html
  16. By whose standards? The country where the work is being done or here? What is fair in one country may not be in another. In fact, that is why there are different minimum wage amounts in THIS country. My plan: don't allow any US corporation that has any facility out of the country ANY tax break.
  17. Here's an idea the "lets-allow-government-more-power" crowd would happily get on board with: Let's force OUR government to pass a law that says a company with any type of facility overseas--whether it be manufacturing, distribution or whatever--is REQUIRED to pay those overseas employees the same as they would if that job was done in the US. And it will be done over the objection of the other country, regardless of what that countries prevailing wage is for the same job. IOW, if the prevailing wage in a country for a job is $1.50 a day (or $4.20 a day like in Mexico), the US corporation MUS
  18. I wondered about that as well. I use Windows 7 on my laptop and XP on my desktop but hubby uses Vista.
  19. Oh, I agree with you. But should these companies be paying the workers in other countries what workers here make? If so, suggest to your congress weasel that they change the law.
  20. Does anyone know the average daily wage in Mexico? It's a darn sight less than $1.50 an hour.
  21. speaking from the employers point of view, there are some employees you can't pay enough for what they do and others if you're paying them at all, you're overpaying. We had an employee when we had our machine shop. Great machinist. Young but young machinists are OK. He would NOT work a five day week. Just refused and quit when we told him he had to do that in order to stay employed by us. Machinists have a tendency to drink a bit too much and I think that got in the way of his work. Strangely enough, while refused to work five days a week for us, he now owns his own shop. I wonder h
  22. Daughter and SIL have a friend who works at the Walmart distribution center in Monroe. I think he makes about $10-$12 an hour. He has been with them a LONG, LONG time. I know he's been with them since at least 2005 when they all lived in Athens.
  23. would a report in PC Magazine ease anyone's mind? http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2401227,00.asp
  24. I, like many other Americans, refuse to pay more than I can afford. There are certain items that we use regularly--toothpaste, pain relievers, etc. WHY should I pay more than I can afford just because I don't like a business? I don't like Walmarts business practices but neither do I like being broke. Besides my $15-$20 a month spent at Walmart makes no difference to them. If I didn't spend it there, they wouldn't notice. Neither would any of the other places that I could buy those items. And twelve cents a tube on toothpaste, $1.50 on Alka Seltzer, almost $2 a box on BCs and the other t
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