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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. When they show people marching in the streets against the US, it's in the less developed Muslim countries. Those people have no access to un-biased news sources and are only fed "news" about the U.S. through the radicals. You have no idea what they have been told about this country. They also have very little education or resources to combat the hate they are taught about us. Go to a more developed country and you won't see this. You won't see it in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, etc. It all boils down to education and freedom of press.
  2. There is no method, it's just sheer madness. The Imam has come out to say he has never spoken with Mr. Jones.
  3. I keep reading this title as "Cleaning up Paulding county SHEETS". :::shudder:::
  4. THREADJACK... What Crohn's medication costs $15k a month??? The top of the line biologic drugs (Humira, Cimzia, Remicade) COMBINED wouldn't cost that much. Just curious if maybe there is something new out there that I am unaware of.
  5. Yep, and that girl, who is an illegal Sri Lankan immigrant is now receiving free medical treatment instead of being deported. Kinda makes ya wonder if there is more to that story. I could go on and on about Christians who have murdered (Andrea Yates) but that's not the point. The point is there are bad in EVERY group. You started out making a wildly broad statement by saying all Muslims are barbarians. They are not. Just as all Christians, atheists, Buddhist, Hindu, SIkh, etc are not.
  6. I use half a packet in some meals, but there's too much sodium in it for me to make soup with it.
  7. Does anyone agree with what "Pastor" Terry Jones is going to do on September 11th?
  8. Calling muslims "barbarians" smacks of bigotry. I don't see how it could be anything else. The "race card" does not apply since Islam is not a race.
  9. Sorry, was this your "main point"... You are the one that started name calling. And being tolerant of all religions has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with being a decent human being.
  10. I've been to numerous Muslim countries, most of which were based on Sharia Law. I wore a tank top, I even wore shorts a few times, I never wore a burka or any type of head scarf, and I met some incredible local people along the way. I traveled by myself, as an American woman and never, NOT ONCE had a problem. I don't think you honestly have any idea outside of some terror-mongering websites, as to what the Muslim culture is like.
  11. You do realize that you are as extreme as the extremists you hate, don't you? Oh, and also, Nashville was used as an Iraqi Refugee area. So there is quite a large population of Muslims in that area of TN.
  12. Oh look, another intolerant, extremist Christian espousing hate towards an intolerant, extremist Muslim. Pot, meet kettle.
  13. I can't even look at Chumlee without busting up laughing. That guy is hilarious without doing anything.
  14. I love that show too but have seen most of them already. So I'm watching "The Office" marathon (and a few minutes of Hoarders in between) instead. I think the best thing about Labor Day is the marathons on tv.
  15. I don't understand the point of specialty plates anyway.
  16. That happens to me no matter what grocery store I go to. That's why they put expiraion dates on products, so we, as consumers can check the dates. If it doesn't have a visible date, I don't buy it. If you look at EVERYTHING you buy, you'll be absolutely surprised. Who knew shampoo had an "expiration date" anyway? but I have to say, I wouldn't freak out over a one month old date on a frozen food. It's probably a "sell by" or "best by" date anyway.
  17. I agree, don't give up! Let them get to know you, go out everyday, multiple times if you have to. They'll get to know how much you love animals and will eventually shut their yaps. I like the treats idea too as long as they don't get sick from them. Don't give up your little slice of heaven!!!
  18. Perfect! That's exactly what I was looking for. My husband and I just want to unwind for a week and this seems the perfect place. I cannot STAND touristy stuff AT ALL so I'm happy to hear it's exactly what I had hoped for. How awesome that your sister lives there. Pleasee tell her I appreciate the information.
  19. You should talk to a doctor before taking Gingko Biloba. It can cause adverse reactions to some medications and can also have some not so desirable side effects.
  20. I take "Spring Valley" brand, in the green bottle with yellow lid. It says on the front, "Sublingual dots B-12 500 mcg". They are little teeny disolving pills that you put under your tongue. I tried the liquid and liked it a little better, but it was messy and didn't travel well. I usually take 2-3 a day. A few months ago I was traveling quite a bit and forgot the B12. I noticed a HUGE HUGE difference without it! I'll never make that mistake again. it also comes in pill form, but if you have any G.I. issues, your body might not absorb it. I also know people who get injections perio
  21. That would be AWESOME! Thank you. We chose Kauai because I didn't really want the typical Hawaii highrise condo, city sprawl so if she has any cool, not-so-touristy ideas, that would be GREAT!!!
  22. I found that taking B12 sublingually (absorbed under tongue) not only helped my energy levels but also my memory. You cannot "overdose" or take too much B12 because your body will excrete any excess. So there is nothing to hurt by trying it.
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