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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. so are Medicare dependants. Tricare is pretty much the same as Medicare anyway. It's all government-funded.
  2. Pfft, husband just started at 47 after 27 years in the USMC and subsequent 2 years working as a civilian in Afghanistan. It's an adjustment but he's fulfilling a lifelong promise to himself. Hold your head high and most will either look up to you or see you as a threat. Either way, be proud.
  3. It's been around for years http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/13/AR2005121301709.html according to this article back in 2005. It was my understanding they were radiating vehicles, i.e using mobile XRay vans not checking for radiation a la Silkwood.
  4. That man has some creepy eyes. I just caught a little on TLC right now, and that's all I can take of that crrrrrrrrrrrap.
  5. HAHA! I like the idea. Have to add Ketoacidosis to the list too.
  6. I love the show but always get a chuckle each episode when they invariably mention "sarcoidosis" as a possibility. Seriously, EVERY episode.
  7. Yep, that's her IMBD, which is what I formed my opinion from.
  8. OK, ya got me. I guess she's more of a cruddy actress who gets bit parts on shows most people have never heard of. Mostly one time parts with roles such as "woman", "voice", and "waitress". Go Flo.
  9. 7. It's even more interesting how many countries there are on this planet.
  10. Yawn. It was boring, and not funny at all. I dont know if I like that House and Cuddy got together.
  11. I wouldn't exactly call her an actress after that bit part. And those commercials HAVE.TO.GO!!!
  12. LOVE HIM!!! Here's a link to the story. http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/Platelist/peoples-platelist-winner-henry-chandler/story?id=11737963
  13. So happy you guys were able to work out your lease! You have always been great to me and always with a smile.
  14. That's GREAT! I have a bunch of stuff I need to take over there, guess I should stop procrastinating.
  15. Some of these replies are absolutely DISGUSTING. Makes me sad for humankind and its spawn.
  16. It's raining like mad off County Line RD And it's sunny.
  17. ER isn't going to help much for this. You need to see your Primary. How long were you on Prednisone? Did you taper off it, or are you still taking it? I do know if you don't taper off it properly, at best you'll feel like hell, at worst, you'll die from an Addisonian Crisis. I despise Prednisone with a fiery passion.
  18. I'm glad my parents never lied to me and told me what Christmas was TRULY about.
  19. Oh no, I LOVE THEM! Did they say why they are closing? I don't remember the guy's name, but he was the sweetest EVER! Wow, that whole corner is going out, huh? I saw that Allon Salon closed too.
  20. My English Bulldog never chewed up anything in his 11 years. BUT he cost me plenty. When he died, I spent over 2k to have my house re-painted (wall globber is impossible to remove). When he was sick in his last year, I had to replace our mattress. When he was a puppy, my husband bought a new truck so he could have room to sit along side us (seatbelted of course) in the front seat. We tore out our back porch steps and built a ramp for him when his arthritis started to get bad. Oh yeah, and he ruined our wood floors. Bulldogs...they'll cost ya, but they are worth every penny. Ugh, I miss
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