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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Tell them everything. It is her right to make a COMPLETELY informed decision about her own health. Besides, what if you were shown this for a reason?
  2. msgastorm

    hey subby

    Wait...what? What has happened to Nick? I just received my laptop back from him.
  3. Nope. They are for the zombie apocalypse!
  4. I do believe a fully automatic firearm is illegal. My husband has several semi-auto assault rifles and has had most of them for years. His have been purchased at gun shows and a couple have been special orders from local fire arm dealers. Yes, we do have a couple of places in Dallas where you can special order firearms through dealers (not Walmart!). Some firearms you can also order online for home delivery. This is nothing new. Edit: I was wrong. A fully automatic AR is not illegal to buy or sell. However, to sell one you need a special license and to own one it must be registered with th
  5. If you were sleeping when a tornado or earthquake hit then this situation would be an absolute nightmare! I love the idea of placing books upward with cases towards the ceiling, but not over the bed. I have placed book cases on top of computer desks up to the ceiling. My husband hates my having so many books.
  6. I would like to purchase, but it will probably only be once per week.
  7. SoapMom does have a website that I have purchased on several times. My link for it is bookmarked on my old laptop and I am not on it. Can someone post the link for others to check it out? I LOVE her Blackberry Sage soap and bath salt.
  8. You may need to update the print "driver" on the computer. It's like a small software download. The last time I had to do it with an Epson printer I had to go to their website, do a search for a print driver associated with my printer's model number, then download it. These things have to be updated every so often in order to be compatible with the newer window's operating systems.
  9. Yep, I listen to the ones on B98.5. They will play a mix of new Christmas music with the classics.
  10. Yes, there are some black and white ornaments at both Walmart on Dallas Highway and at Garden Ridge in Kennesaw. I have already checked out both trying to find some new ornaments.
  11. Keep in mind that burglars may also kick down your door while screaming "Police!" and may even carry fake badges. By the time you figure out the truth of what is going on you may be dead from either one, while still holding your gun, because a shoot out with many bullets will be over in a few seconds...so how long will one or two bullets take? My husband and I are both law abiding citizens and we are the only people who live in our house, so we should have nothing to fear right? Not true if the warrant is a mistake or if the people who are kicking in your door aren't really police. We have loa
  12. This is happening so frequently to older people that I am wondering how loudly are they calling out "POLICE!"? How many of these elderly need or use hearing aids and are not wearing them because they are at home or in bed? I am not saying either side is right or wrong, because the police have the right to defend themselves when necessary as do the homeowners, I simply wonder how much warning is being given to "drop that weapon"?
  13. I call him hubby or by his name. Hubby is what I almost always use online. I also have a pet name that I typically use for him when we are at home. He sometimes calls me "da momma" which I use to think was strange because we have no children together, until I figured out that is what he and his coworkers all call their wives. They all travel for work and call their wives "da momma" as in "if da momma ain't happy then nobody is happy!" It doesn't bother either of us and we also have choice names for when we are mad at each other.
  14. Ours died a few months ago after working for years. My husband does electrical wiring on industrial machines, so he decided to test the AC supply first. It turned out to not be the router at all but the AC supply cord. We purchased a new one at Walmart. They have different adapter plugs so you can match it up to your electrical appliance. It has worked fine every since he replaced it. Those few hours he was going into DT's! LOL
  15. There were 2 boxes in the mail from Amazon today. While I am sitting in my car looking at them and wondering "why didn't he tell me to look out for a shipment coming in?", I look up to see he is running towards the car and already about 3/4's of the way down the driveway. He grabs them quickly and tells me that he is not telling what they are and I will have to wait. Which then leads me to asking if it's for Christmas? Yep, his anniversary and Christmas gifts to me. Our anniversary is the 18th. Hmmmm... I've gotten him a couple of small gifts but what he always wants is money to save for m
  16. That's funny! I like the way she is throwing her back and butt against it to make it move more. She is going to be one of those kids who wants the swing to go as high as she can get it! LOL
  17. This dog is named BUCEPHALUS and belongs to a friend who lives in New York. He is similar to a St. Bernard but doesn't drool like one. He is a Newfoundland. He is a puppy that is only a few months old, but I believe she said he is already about 50 lbs and still growing! They are gentle giants. I hope the pictures post. Edited to add: He is not up for sale. I thought a Newfoundland might be a good recommendation as a substitute for a St. Bernard. Here is a picture of her previous Newfoundland as an adult.
  18. We have used Pate's a couple of times in the past and LOVE them. Especially compared to the wait and expense we have had with Sears in the past.
  19. It's not at Mt. Tabor Park. It will be at Taylor Farm Park.
  20. I was simply letting the op know that they will be taking a risk of getting fined, that is all.
  21. I've been with Dr. Weselman for 11 years now. I don't feel like she is aggressive enough with my case because I have symptoms that don't seem to be fibromyalgia but she hasn't given me a diagnoses for them. She is good to see on a regular basis and keep my meds refilled. I don't think she prescribes addictive pain meds but will give you a referral to see someone if you need them. You will have to call and check to see if she is taking anymore new patients because I heard that as of last year she wasn't, but she has taken on another female rheumatologist in her clinic that is taking new patient
  22. My brother was born in Paulding Hospital in either 70 or 71. Most of the local hospitals have had a labor and delivery wing added on many years later after opening the main part of the hospital. This MAY be what the new Paulding Hospital will do.
  23. My stepfather built my mom's chicken coop with sealed windows in the east and the west ends to naturally trap heat from the sun.
  24. We were married in Hiram in November of 2000. The average high temp for Hiram in November is in the 60s. Yep, you guessed it. It sleeted from just before lunch through half of the evening! My dad and stepmom had driven down from S. Carolina and had to leave early due to the weather. We blame my northern in-laws for bringing the ice with them!
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