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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I was just thinking this past week "I wonder where she has been"! I hope you feel better soon with the cold and nice to see you back.
  2. This is Marge Simpson getting the crap scared out of her! LMAO Regarding the topic. If a urologist cannot tell the difference between a kidney and a pancreas then he shouldn't have had a medical license PERIOD. How did he even pass exams or work on his cadavers in medical school? Plus a specialist has to study for a few years more. Also usually a surgery has at least 3-4 people working on one patient, so why didn't someone say "doctor you are working on the wrong kidney or you just biopsied the pancreas not the kidney"? Was everyone not paying attention or did they pass their exams the s
  3. This is sounding worse. Come to think of it why would a legitimate repo service be using maps instead of a GPS device these days? I could see down into the cab windows from my door and it really looked as if they were studying maps though and the flashlights were very clear. Thank God our floodlights are so bright and are motion sensitive and I am an insomniac. If you don't mind can you please PM me with the name of your road or subdivision? If I see them again I will be calling the police with a print out of this topic. If I am quick then maybe I can get a picture of the wrecker. Please
  4. Yep that is now what I am wondering too. I timed them at 10 minutes without moving and parked in the middle of the road. That seems entirely too long considering this part of the neighborhood is 12 years old and should be on most maps or GPS. The wrecker was black and it seemed like the writing on the side was red but I couldn't make out the name or info on it. It didn't look like an old paint job on the wrecker but it wasn't a flat bed type. Hubby keeps several hand guns and a shot gun fully loaded for me, but I am thinking about naming each and getting to know them a little more up close
  5. This was behind Publix near the Dallas Acworth Hwy 381/East Paulding Dr. intersection, so that would be very close to me. I wonder if we should report it? I figured it was just some repo service employees that were lost and have no common sense! LOL.
  6. I don't know, but I have seen a couple of curious things happening around Twelve Oaks subdivision off of East Paulding Drive this week. At 2am Friday morning I heard noise outside steady and kind of loud. Hubby was in bed and had to wake at 4:30am for a flight, so thinking it was kids sitting outside with a car radio I put on my robe and looked out front. At first I didn't see anything so I turned on flood lights and opened the door and there parked in the middle of the subdivision road was a wrecker, with their headlights off, and 2 people looking over paperwork or maps in the cab with flashl
  7. Awww congrats! I've never really got too involved with FB but this sounds like something I could get into.
  8. A possibility of thunderstorms tonight too.
  9. Hubby's company is German and they do not consider it a holiday, neither do we for that matter. His company does give them an extra couple of days as personal holiday floaters though.
  10. I have taken a multivitamin since I was 15 yrs old and I am 40 now. I prefer a more complete multivitamin and use the Walmart brand Equate Complete Multivitamin. It is the same as Centrum and has more vitamins in it than a One A Day. I also take extra C and B Complex as needed (I can feel when I need it, usually a run down and tired more than usual feeling). I try to also take a Citracal w/Vit D tablet a day (Citracal contains calcium CITRATE which is more absorbable) and have just started a Vit D-3 gel tab a day. From what I understand it takes sunshine for the body to convert Vit. D into Vit
  11. How wonderful. Congratulations!
  12. I would find an appraiser that is GIA certified and for that much jewelry they would probably give you a discount to appraise it all. An appraiser will not usually have an interest in making money from you in the same way as a jeweler or pawn shop might. Also, at least for the larger pieces, get the appraisal put into writing. You will be able to sell or insure the piece easier that way. In this poor economy you probably will not be able to sell the pieces for as much as they appraise for. Jewelry and loose gemstones sell for more money and more quickly when the economy is better. I have m
  13. Yep it can get that bad in Minnesota. Hubby is from NW MN and several friends and family live there and Winnepeg. He says that usually the roads stay pretty clear because the winds blow it off the roads until it hits something like the forest or a house, then it really piles up in snow banks because of the drift. They go ice fishing, camping and such in this kind of snow. His buddy called during our "snow days" from the Minneapolis area and he was taking the kids camping in -10 degree weather! Ugh!
  14. I am guessing that seymourbutts screen name comes from one of the prank calls that Bart Simpson makes to the bar in the Simpsons cartoons.
  15. Just my socks and in the bed watching TV. Of course it is after 4am though.
  16. Aww Zoo this is so wonderful! Congratulations to you and the family. Hugs and very definitely thinking pink for you.
  17. I have known this for YEARS. The light whether from a tanning bad or natural sunshine, both help the body to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a natural brain neurotransmitter that helps to promote feelings of happiness and reduced pain. If going to the tanning bed in itself doesn't help your fibromyalgia or other chronic pain, then ask your doctor to put you on a low dose of a serotonin reuptake inhibitor like Paxil or Cymbalta or Effexor. The medications keep the serotonin available in the brain for a longer period of time. Be careful though as they can make you more sensitive to burning. When
  18. Morning all! Yep still on here and still awake.
  19. Yep. I am a night person. It is usually between 5-8am before I get to sleep. I have tried for years to change it and just can't. My doctors seem to think as bad as my insomnia is, then it is just good if I get to sleep. If you need to work tomorrow then you need to be in bed! Find you some Advil PM or Benadryl fast. LOL
  20. I can never sleep this early, sometimes not at all. Right now I just got through paying bills and I am about to find something to eat. Just boring stuff.
  21. Converse, you could PM Subby and he might know of someone.
  22. I have 4 strictly indoor cats. Three have VERY long hair (think 3" angora hair type) and one is a short hair. They all shed constantly! One of the cats has asthma and I have a mild case of it, so a bagless vacuum with HEPA filtration was very important to me. For 5 years I bought just about every name brand vacuum you can think of at $200-$300 each and quit using them to try something else, hoping to find something that would pick up the hair better. Dirt Devils, Hoovers, Eureka, etc. Then one Christmas I broke down and spent almost $500 on the purple Dyson animal because of all the reviews I
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