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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I have not read or watched it before.
  2. Hey, I believe PCSO has the suspect in custody. He used to live on Woodwind Drive in one of the rental houses.
  3. Anything like the photos that surepip posted? http://bit.ly/WWoSv8
  4. I am pretty sure this will come to surprise to some of you. http://bit.ly/1lUINGo
  5. Doctor Who, Eastenders, BBC World News, Orphan Black and Torchwood, are the ones I usually watch here on the BBCA channel. BBCA is a joke, it used to be good years ago. I prefer BBC and its other channels over BBCA. I usually watch the old reruns on the local PBS channel on Saturdays.
  6. It is after 10P in London and 11P in Germany and France. I have BBCWN and CNNI on right now. Maybe it has something to do with the Scots voting independence from the United Kingdom! The Scots are supposed to vote this coming Tuesday to decide whether or not to have Scotland to become its own country.
  7. at your local Burger King locations? I really don't care for Burger King, so that won't tempt me anytime! http://bit.ly/1pPvnGO
  8. Agree with you, stradial. Though I am no where close to 70s/80s, but I loved watching Little Rascals/Our Gang series.
  9. Momof3, I am so sorry. I am praying for you and your family.
  10. Chlorophyllum molybdites: http://bit.ly/1qCgnzO (poisonous) Phallus ravenelii/Ravenel's stinkhorn: http://bit.ly/1rQ5b6q (possibly edible?) Maybe someone (like a mycologist/mushroom expert) over at the University of Georgia extension office (http://bit.ly/1qtV18S) in Dallas will know.
  11. The fate of Justin Ross Harris is in the hands of Cobb County grand jurors. Full story: http://on-ajc.com/1rOchbt
  12. http://cnnmon.ie/1tu37AK Why am I not surprised about Facebook coming up with something like that. I do not have Facebook apps installed on both of my mobile phones. Surfing on Facebook anonymously on my Chromebook is good enough for me.
  13. School districts in New York state just dumped Michelle Obama's national school lunch program -- http://bit.ly/1r2lO8o
  14. Another Dollar General store for us? How big is the property? I can only hope it is something like Costco, Sprouts Farmer Market, Trader Joe's, etc being planned over there!
  15. Happy Birthday, lowrider - have a great one!
  16. Dr. Kent Brantly, the doctor infected with Ebola while working in West Africa, told NBC News in an exclusive interview that he spent the morning praying for a colleague, the latest American infected with the virus. Brantly said he was very close to the doctor for SIM USA who was infected at the hospital where Brantly worked in Liberia. The doctor has not been named publicly. Full story: http://nbcnews.to/1lxsrDe
  17. A lot of people in Russia/Ukraine have dash cameras in their automobiles to prevent insurance scams. Intentional automobile accidents are very common there.
  18. They'll probably cut the metal sheets (or whatever they're called) to place the windows in after they are done putting stuff in.
  19. A man's right hand could reveal his fertility. http://dailym.ai/1utIBxt
  20. Oops, should have read the the whole article before making a fool out of myself! He had cable wire around his neck.
  21. Perhaps he was murdered? The murderer made it look as if the guy took his own life?
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