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Everything posted by Brian

  1. That sounds similar to what my retiree parents do. They also go to Costco for theirs. Yes as long they can keep prices down.
  2. E-commerce giant Amazon could soon be entering the multi-billion dollar US pharmacy market. There is speculation that such a move could see the online retailer selling prescription medicines direct to consumers. CNBC reported in May that Amazon was hiring a team of staff to prepare to move into the sector. The report suggests the company could take as much as $50 billion in prescription sales. Now it has reportedly hired top health technology executive Missy Krasner. Her new official title is currently unknown, but there are rumours she may be appointed to work for its clou
  3. Ever wonder how dogs and cats feel about microchips being stuck in them?
  4. My little cousin just started 3rd grade earlier today. He was really looking forward to that. I am just concerned about some teenage drivers driving. :-x
  5. There is no way I would allow anyone like Dada and Sonny (pictured above) stick something in me!
  6. Brian

    Face Book

    Hope it is on FB's end not AT&T's. You may want to check to see if there is outages in your area: http://soc.att.com/2gVyqFV
  7. Brian

    Face Book

    Ahh it seems a lot of people are having some issues with Facebook. They are probably upgrading something.
  8. Brian

    Face Book

    No, it is running just fine. Are you on BellSouth/AT&T?
  9. Oops - did not realise I posted the same thing what CitizenCain has posted. Apologies! Maybe it is time I quit participating in bulletin-boards!
  10. 10P - 8A. If you will go over to http://bit.ly/2toO7qI to read. Ignore the application, just scroll down until you see it.
  11. I have 3 Yeti tumblers. They are great, but I like my BPA-free "see-through" tumblers better. I do not drink coffee or drink anything with ice.
  12. Both of his younger children have lived in the Atlanta area for years. They are in real estate business with properties in Atlanta and central Florida. Let's hope he does not ever decide to move to Atlanta!
  13. I doubt the US Flag was the reason. Most flag poles out there usually have sharp objects that can be used as deadly weapons. This could be why the attendant asked him.
  14. Sorry to hear about this. Wishing him speedy well.
  15. Brian


    I have run out of likes. I love some of the hacks. Thanks for sharing.
  16. I read somewhere that the city of Atlanta police had couple of its cars and motorcycles running on US-278 in Hiram. They had the emergency lights on. I wonder if the helicopter was one of theirs.
  17. Could be the Hollywood camera staff photoing/videoing around town.
  18. I went to sit out in the back looking at the sky last night. It was so beautiful. I did see something blue flashing in the sky. It was probably thundering.
  19. What are we supposed to see?
  20. That brung me back to memories -- I once brought a box of ExLax (the chocolate one) to school. I gave some to my mates (they asked for some). I did not tell them what it was. I wish I remember what had happened on that day.
  21. That was one of several reasons why I preferred to eat outdoors or in my cars. I could not stand smelling the foods people bring to work/the canteen. Curries was far the worst I have smelt in there. If possible, get some baking soda and sprinkle on the stinky stuff in the rubbish. It should help.
  22. Doug Sanders is one of most sought handymen in the area. I have seen some of works, that he did, they looked great! Youse can check his website: http://sandershandyman.net
  23. I read that he is OK and is expected to stay in Winnipeg until tomorrow.
  24. I have no idea about physicians that will accept people with medicaid (sp?) but he should have received a directory book with list of physicians and such.
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