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Everything posted by Animal

  1. I am Happy if everone else is happy.
  2. My last two new fords were with my credit union.They have a car locator service.Simple and very fast.Nice people and you are not raked over the coals.
  3. Good luck most rent from 800.00 and above,but you know that if you have been looking.
  4. Christmas eve traffic was very busy,I came to the corner of ridge road and saw a large black guy waving a gas can. I turned over to see if I could help.I told him to hop in and I have a 5 gallon gas can with gas in it. He refused and said he would be ok. I kept offering and he turned me down. After I returned from Kroger people were giving him money.So he was after money not gas. It's hard to trust people,and there taking advantage of people good intensions.They use the holidays to get to you. Be on the look out for this skam.
  5. Pubby remember you have to get all the ok by Whitey and the home boys. If you don't please them then your not accepted,then you will get the thumbs up the one that see's no evil and hears no evil.
  6. Do you think they might have time to look at real crime instead of lights on a car.After all some of the new cars out have some pretty sharp lights.And there is guide lines.While there at it how about the tint on windows,or how much is a truck is jacked up.or how about that exhaust or maybe how loud that stero is?
  7. I feel sorry for the people that believe in cloak and dagger,there is always some undercover scheme.Someone is always getting rich and those dirty elected officials. I think people would prefer that instead of the truth,do you believe that they are always getting rich? That people are for the most part corrupt.
  8. If you want peace and quiet an assisted living might fit,after all you moved here and now your also part of the problem,did you get permission from Whitey and the home boys?
  9. Whitey this one time you don't know what your talking about.Just because I don't agree with that doesn't mean I like any past elected officials.Whitey there is no meat on that bone. Facts are facts I have no past or present relationship with Jerry ,now your luv for Paulette is something to behold huh? Nothing but law abiding person there. too bad she owes so many people money.I thought you would have better taste than that.:yahoo:by the way where does she live now?
  10. You mean the commissioner that is anti-growth and supports the home boys?Same group that has Paulette Babbit fan club this is a very interesting collection of people. 1 They don't want progress 2 They want to be allowed to vote and give there approval for all business to enter Mayberry. 3 They like to be represented by people with serious backgrounds,have records that make criminals look like saints. 4 Have a commissioner in there pocket who see's no evil and hear's no evil I oppose the people who oppose
  11. Oh you mean the commissioner that see's no evil and here's no evil.
  12. Wait a moment,did this company get the approval of Whitey and his group including Mr.See no evil and hear no evil. Or did they vote on this?
  13. I just lost my taste for A & E,how about us ordinary people that watch the show were still the majority. How many gay's are watching the show to begin with?
  14. Excuse me one moment,I recently retired from the U.S.Department of justice.We were on call 24-7 we also worked in places that were extremely dangerous.Now you had plenty of benefits such as commissary and BX. Not to mention your medical and your GI bonus. Now let's see how hard you had it you were also given housing and BAS.Also you did retire after just twenty years,also lets talk about your VA benefits I can go into that on another day.So when you point and snivel tell it all. I also served in the military. The military for your time was strickly volunteer,you were not drafted so you kne
  15. The truth hurts,he told his view. We need more people to take a stand.
  16. You have to pay extra for no perverts
  17. I don't hide behind any computer,I would be glad to see you and make the same comments. Not a judge but I pay high taxes to support people on government assistance programs. As far as work your job been there done that and retired. Spent my 31 years working in a prison so don't tell me how rough your job is!
  18. Well if friends are lost over the airport than they might not have been friends. See this issue has a circle of people on both sides. The question is will there be a winner and a loser?
  19. Yes try getting a job,next step would be self support.Then you wouldn't have to worry about not being able to renew.
  20. Ok here is my take,make it legal it's the peoples choice.Now people need to keep common sense just like alcohol.Use it with common sense,after it becomes legal tax the hell out of it and get us out of debt.
  21. Why vote,it's not a subject to vote on. The next business that wants to enter the gates to Paulding county we should tell them wait we need to vote on it. Get a grip you are against the growth,so who allowed that movie building? Was it voted on? Pick and choose,spin the wheel.
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