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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Also look Bill Clinton fooled around and people still liked him.Well we have Todd Pownall that has his unexplained presence with Ashley. So tell me who is better? Mr.no show Crowe won't disclose his funding from how much Delta is providing for his campagn. So tell who is better?
  2. You know I don't like any of our officials,I also don't like most canidates running for office.I think we should look at who is the worse evil. Example,David Austin or Jerry Shearin which one fits the best in Office.I voted for David at the time because he offered a change. Now compare the ones now in office and the ones running. Whitey tell me who would improve my life?
  3. People its clear the anti-growth people want Paulding to be like Mayberry.Well it aint going to happen.It will come,the issue is to manage the growth.Whitey I feel your pain you want the three stooges to rule,they might and might not.If Mr.Crowe stops accepting support from Delta and who cares if Colett has background from the middle east,I think there could be a solution. Now if your leader can be more alert then were going to be a more flexable economy good for all our residents.
  4. Okkk now I want some of what your on.
  5. There is moon lite massage,where the tiny Asian women walk on your back.
  6. That hot dog stand outside Home Depot,I love the variety I like the Chicago dog. Great hotdogs....
  7. Its plain and simple,Mr Crowe doesn't like to attend debates where he might look like a Idiot.Thats fine but please disclose to the public your disclosure. Show how much Delta is sponsoring you,and some of the out of county people. That's all you say it for the people not politics,well show and tell if your scared say your scared.!
  8. I use to like Saddlebrook they had nice quarts and a good pool.
  9. It is a know fact that out side sources support the three stooges,why would Mr.Crowe refuse to file disclousure paper work? Because it would show where his money is linked to.Ethics wow he has paid two fines for not showing his money source.. Now this group has there own agenda,Delta just might have control of this comedy act. Whitey I am very troubled by your three ring circus,look who is in this group.People that have issues with escorts,another one who is into cover up,can't tell the truth about his Navy career and won't show his DD-214 or his donations whats up? Whitey now wha
  10. Example,why won't Mr.Crowe release his disclosure?Instead for the 2 nd time he also failed to release his disclosure.So also he failed to meet at several other meetings. His mother must have multiple dates. Look this group has there own agenda and Mr.Crowe and his hidden disclosure would be a nice topic. Think for a moment,if they have nothing to hide then do what's required and disclose his funding and where it is coming from.
  11. Well there is facts too that I have not even touched on,how many meetings and public events has he missed? Has he filed his disclosures yet nooooo prefers to pay the fine and not allow people to see who is giving him money.Is that slinging mud or the fact that ethics isn't in his vocabulary. So yes the election will tell people are tired of poor canidates. Oh yes it's all about people not politics tell me another one..
  12. Wanted for immediate opening at our car lot.Get a base pay along with a very good percentage. Call Mike 678-234-8270
  13. Yes this group has went into crash and burn,sad how things changed.The leader who has some personal issues that could haunt him as being a leader. Now lets point out Mr.No show scared of the public who has failed to show up at must do events.He has made it a point that he was a famous leader in the Navy.Has he showed his DD-214 yet to back up his claim of being a high ranking officer. Now with the last of the three musketeers having some back ground and family ties with the middle east. Lawd knows we don't need another one in our government. It's sad to see a group self destruct,bu
  14. I think a better transportation system is a good start. I would get permission from the Ant-growth group first.
  15. Well my post was deleted when I asked about Todd Pownall and the escort.
  16. I will say this as soon as I gather my paper work to back it all up. I am saying that the ant-growth group should be ashamed of them selves.I thought they were on a mission.But nooooo they heat up the spirit of whats wrong in our government. Ok ya'll had better run for cover because my guns going to be blazing.
  17. I have discovered some disturbing news, about some of the canidates seeking office. Wow I will be back with my six shooter. People know the truth will get out so why do it? Ok I am going hunting for some politicans,I prefer mine medium rare.I will be keeping voters updated on what I uncover.Inquiry minds of P.Com want to know
  18. Last year with living on a lake,it was bad.I see some small black ones and some 5-6 inch ones.Be on the look out.
  19. When was this even mentioned,after the fact? Is this the anti-growth ralley? Where is the rest of the canidates,is this just another staging for anti-growth and still want to place us back in the primitive era.
  20. Ok were right close to the elections,who is our elected officials.Who is going to win?
  21. Whats going on in front of the court house?
  22. I still think an agreement can be made,why can't we all just get along.
  23. Whitey from time to time people have different views.See your anti-growth group will face off with people in favor. You just need to get over it and move on. See growth is good as long as it's managed well,think about it if we didn't have growth you and your anti everything group wouldn't be here.
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