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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Yes I am selling it,time for a new project.This is all original,the older gentleman I bought it from was the original owner.I want to get into some other projets.$15,000.00 takes this home even original paint job.
  2. But what about Billy? You know Billy Beer that was another story.
  3. I like mine,there good had to go through several,there very professional.There at my place now.
  4. And they may have had sex because of the alcohol,I an soooooooo drunk
  5. Look it takes two,shifting the blame is not correct,everyone has a choice.
  6. The way you make it sound is daughters are very innocent,the boys are the bad people.Let's be fair here.It takes two to tangle and by then they know more than you or me.Making the men out to be the bad ones isn't a good balance.
  7. Your right,I will let that sleeping dog alone.
  8. I agree and that is what we should demand.
  9. I will do some digging, I think we have sent a message to our elected officials. They should clear the air and let the facts be known.Now let's ask them to speak at a public meeting and go from there,it's a start.
  10. Whitey I have to agree with you on this.You have always stood up for what you believe and that is what a Patriot is made of......
  11. Well the dominance of East has come to a historic end. East has been on top for quite awhile,now the torch has passed and has a great opening for other teams.They well deserve there victory.See nobody stays on top forever,now let's see some exciting football and the new winners.
  12. I wish just the truth be known,no hear say just the facts.
  13. No but there coming in at a steady rate.
  14. Ok break it down,is the airport a good thing or bad thing? Next does it matter who runs it and if anyone does it becomes a good business.Will it bring jobs to our county? Will it improve the tax base. I may not see the whole picture but why all the up roar over that airport,I thought we wanted business to come to our county.:blush:and if there is so much secret agendas then why and over a small piss ant airport. I just don't get it???? What we should be concerned about is the workers,will they come from this area so people could have good paying jobs and how many will there be.
  15. People the right to freedom of speech is our right,I got up and spoke about an issue.Now I have been contacted by there spokes person Mr.Collins who corrected me in several ways,I did not know that Paulett and her crew mixed with Mr.Pownalls crew was together. I thought Mr.Pownall had better taste and his standars would have been better.
  16. So what took place was it good or bad?
  17. Ok break this down for a moment,I find it hard to believe that Todd knew nothing about the airport,all this planning,talks are taking place in his ear shot and he knew nothing? Now what happens if he did would there be any different result? I believe when the truth comes out and then he might not be the hurt hero. Now look beyond this,who will they hire to work at that airport?will it help employ good workers from this area? see there is more to this than we know about and sorry I do not believe that Todd was totally in the dark, was he on the airport board?Was this not his post and nothin
  18. Ya know there is so much going on,I do not think it can even begin to be fixed.It starts from the top and works it's way down.And there is a large part that think everything is fine.In government it's who's turn is it now.....
  19. You know everyone has a opinion,and this is a great country where we do have the right to freedom of speech.Now looking like a hick with a t-shirt adjust your glasses I was wearing a sport shirt.Now a transparent commissioner you will find out at some point that wasn't so. And for the record he didn't give the money back till last week and if you listened he held of paying back the money until he was aware of sheperads rest.budget. So everyone got there opinion, and that what's good, yours I will note and I will move on to the next subject. Good to see you out and about.
  20. I think I behaved well,poor Toddy looked like he was going to blow a gasket. His fan club was there all ten of them.Now look there was a lot of police there.I thought it might turn out to be Tuesday morning smack down. That was round one,they said that was the most packed it has been in quite awhile. Imagine that folks,I think politics was getting dull anyway,now let's see who is next on my agenda. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  21. Well Todd had his 10 supporters,he admitted he held back because of Sheppards rest. Now he got rather hot and started in on the airport.Then Todd said he knew nothing about what I was going to talk about. Just like he didn't know about the airport. He has a case of selective information,so now that will be an issue for me to look into the airport.
  22. The important issue is keep on track,do not fight each other. That is how to lose from the start,were not perfect by any means but were doing something instead of just talking about it. Support the cause get involved and for petes sake vote.Hope to see you all there at the commissioners meeting at 10:00 am second floor of the government building.I can assure everyone there will be more public meetings and further inquires about our elected officials. This is just the beginning. Mike Fritz/Animal
  23. Ok the hell with how it's made I just want to eat it
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