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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. It is spread over multiple weapon platforms over the next 5 years so it is not really that shocking when you look at how many rounds they will use just with routine qualifications and training.
  2. People are still trying to find a conspiracy even though the logical answer is right there in their face? The NOAA spokesman handled it well, basically he told them if you would have took the time to look at the ship to receiver on the same document where you found the NOAA listed as the purchaser you would have seen the bullets were being delivered to the NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). You would have though a competent reporter could have easily Googled NMFS and found they are a division of the NOAA and they also have a small attached law enforcement division responsible
  3. I have been through there many times and I don't see how it is dangerous. There is still plenty of sight distance for a car to safely enter Austin Bridge.
  4. If you have an open judicial system you will never stop people from forming an opinion based on the evidnce presented to justify charging someone with a crime. It goes either way depending on the evidence, some people see enough for their version of guilt and some they think there is not enough.
  5. Maybe you should re-read the post you quoted of mine. My response to those who mistakenly believed your identity was found by an 'open records' act by someone in government. My point was you released your identity in a campaign post and there is no 'open records' of non-government entities.
  6. Private citizens discussing allegations are not bound by the same standard as the government. Due process is for the courtroom.
  7. The only thing this topic proves is many who profess such indepth knowledge of all things government have no idea what a 'open records' request is. I also believe the OP freely identified himself during posting made while he was part of an election campaign.
  8. Yup...for some reason people cannot understand a 'mailing address' does not equate to the physical location which in this case would be unincorporated Paulding.
  9. This is nothing out of the ordinary, law enforcement deals with these type calls daily. I would bet the agencies in Paulding combined handle 8 or 10 of these type calls a day ranging from theats to an attempt.
  10. Just another one of those urban legends such as 'cops must read you your rights before they speak to you' and 'cops have to leave their lights on if they sit beside the road after dark or a ticket is no good'.
  11. Court on the side of the road? Umm...yeah. Since you are already accusing the officer of being dishonest then what makes you think the reading being shown was not one locked in hours earlier? My last conflict was with a red light runner. I guess I should have let him sit in my car and watch the video which would disprove his 'it was yellow' excuse? Instead we will watch it together with the judge in court. That is where he has the right to challenge the evidence, not on the side of the road.
  12. Hypothetically, what would the reading on the unit prove?
  13. The problem is these things compound. If every supplier of that business also has to increase their costs it will simply be passed on to the consumer in the end. Just looking at a pizza place you have endless suppliers for dairy, meat, vegtables, paper goods, delivery, ect.
  14. I think you just misunderstand what probation is, it is nothing more than a way to ensure a sentence is properly completed by a defendant. It is not an additional punishment.
  15. Great explanation. Funny some will still try to spin this into some anti-government topic using the same old 'its about money' BS.
  16. Bottom line: taxes are going up people are still paying much less overall it is needed, the county has aggressivly trimmed the budget and are to the point essential services will be impacted due to the massive drop in revenue.
  17. Seriously? Our legal system revolves around having legal counsel arguing for the rights of the convicted and the accused. It is necessary in our system of checks and balance. If you want to discount a lawyers credibility simply because they represent a criminal then we would have very few left.
  18. Trash the fabric and take the metal to a scrap yard.
  19. She only had one other team member on the floor with her and I saw them hug a few times even though tonight they were direct competitors.
  20. You can most certainly convict on circumstantial evidence. You just have to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
  21. I take Villa Rica school teacher to mean a teacher who lives in Villa Rica. It details later where he was employed which indicates Paulding County.
  22. They slowly sealed the deal a few years ago when the prices went up and the quality of the food went down. Few people want to pay $8+ for a fast food meal that is a basic as a sandwich and fries.
  23. Is there waste in government? Sure. There was also waste in both fortune 500 companies I was employed with in the past. It comes with big organizations. While you apparently despise all things government since you have conviently lumped everybody into one group it still takes nothing away from the many people who do bust their ass and spend their life serving their community because they want to.
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