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Everything posted by GRI5TH

  1. It's such an automatic response these days, she probably didn't realize she even said it.
  2. And I believe most will with the execption of extenuating circumstances. When my DD was much younger she went through a phase of asking why every time I told her to do something. I would tell her that it's a good thing no one was shooting at us otherwise the conversation would go something like this: DUCK! WH----BANG!
  3. I obviously don't know ALL the details, so I'm reserving judgment, but the law does not require an officer to tell you "why" about anything at a specific time. As one poster mentioned in another post, it's always in a person's best interest to comply, then ask why. Most reasonable officers will answer under those circumstances.
  4. So that's why they called it Google I never knew.
  5. Tell him you don't pay his bill to be happy, although he should be considering what they charge. I'm with you on the beach! Now my favorite (only because I've been too stingy to pay for an out-of-county excursion and DW is to) is not too many hours from here. I'm SO READY to go..... By the time vacation rolls around, that's about all I can think about for the two weeks prior. When we finally get to Daytona, I unload the family truckster, change into something A LOT more comfortable, walk down to the beach, stand about ankle deep in that fabulous ocean and exclaim, "I'm HERE...Tha
  6. Consider the agency and these two words: "Negligent Retention". When an agency has an efficient, effective and fair OPS, there is no call or need for citizen review boards, who historically find in favor of LE actions more often than OPS investigators anyway.
  7. The traffic was making me sleepy. I killed it at "89".
  8. My wife is 4 years younger than her uncle's nephew's sister-in-law. Anything is possible.
  9. I agree with you, weatherboy. I'm fortunate that the folks with bad attitudes are not permitted to work in my particular office. Even though all of us have bad days, I can't stand to work around people who dwell on the negative. Most people who gripe about their job/coworkers don't get very far, then they wonder why. That tends to result in a vicious circle. They don't progess because of their attitude, their attitude gets worse and they continue to blame other people and wonder why opportunities are not made available to them. You know what I mean.
  10. You need to go on The Antique Road Show. Those people know EVERYTHING! I didn't know they played football back then. Learn something new every day.
  11. GRI5TH

    Cat Found

    I'll have you know that my hair NEVER appears that way in public.
  12. GRI5TH

    Cat Found

    He ain't right in the head. I thought they were supposed to lick their own butt.
  13. GRI5TH

    Cat Found

    He was a mess when we found him in the garage. He's all cleaned up now so if he belongs to you, please send me a PM and COME GET HIM! He and Spike don't get along....NONE!
  14. "Now Linda, you know I can't so much as drink a damn glass of water around a midget or a piece of antique furniture." "I heard Dick Rivers come in there and caught the two of you all bowed up and going at it in the same room with poor Miss Ogletree, her dead as a doornail laid out on a gurney."
  15. "You're just a boy....you ought not be sayin' that word".
  16. 14:22:50 Don't ask me how, but I know these things.
  17. "I sure could use a few more cans of that potted meat if you got any extree"
  18. Just remember as you read this, this person probably drives & votes! AND, may have already reproduced!
  19. "Having My Baby" by Paul Anka (j/k)
  20. I bet that driver is WORN SLAP OUT from making that round trip to Mexico and back everyday!
  21. "I'm just having a check up folks. I had this issue that lasted longer than 4 hours and I was just doing what the commercial said"
  22. It's just me, but I think I'd be having a little prayer meeting with whoever tented my windows beyond the legal limit. But that's just me.
  23. Agreed. By all means, film away. You can be certain the LEOs film everything they can as well. But you know what? People that feel the strongest about filming a select group of people are the first ones who say "I don't want to get involved" when questioned about a serious crime they witnessed one of the buddies commit.
  24. Would I be correct in guessing that your last real life encounter with da' po-po wasn't a good one?
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