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Everything posted by INSANE

  1. If that's the case why have police officers at all??? Let everyone rape, rob, and do whatever they want. Let chaos begin!
  2. Me too! I think those who have issues are those who are total jerks to the police who stop them. Most cops I've seen who talk not-so-nice are because the idiots they pull over think they're above the law and don't have to cooperate. You know all those rights THEY have that the police themselves don't!
  3. How many pieces do you have? How much do you want for it?
  4. Angel Eyes I have a question for you. What would you recommend the police officer do? She was being combative and wouldn't let him put the cuffs on. Was he supposed to let her push him around? How long would it have been before everyone of her croonies jumped in and they all beat on the one officer? Just curious what he should have done in your opinion. Your statements are ignorant and I'd be curious to see how you think it should have been handled. BTW, have you ever been a police officer? Have you ever been put in that situation? If not you can talk all day long but you don't h
  5. This is what happens when people think they're above the law. She was interferring with an arrest. I can't believe the guy kept saying crap. Who do these people think they are? It's okay for them to push and resist a cop but God forbid anybody do it to them. He should have punched them both in the face!!!
  6. During the summer it wouldn't matter but if you continue in the fall I could only do nights or weekends.
  7. I think this would be a lot of fun. I'm definitely interested!
  8. I couldn't stand her from the last bachelorette. She's a creep herself!
  9. That is expenisve. The shop classes at the high school make them and they're a better quality and less than 1/2 the price.
  10. I had no idea! I thought you won so many games and then you went to state. So they are collecting money to go play for something anyone can play at? That doesn't seem right!
  11. Yesterday they were at the intersection behind Home Depot and it was nuts. The lady in front of me must have been trying to find money in her purse and it took about 2 minutes. Instead of pulling over off the road me and the cars behind me had to wait on her. It's a busy intersection and I don't think it's safe for the kids to be standing in the middle of a lane and turning lane. Most of us would never allow our kids to play in traffic why would you allow them to stand in it???
  12. Head Country Championship Seasoning they sell at West Metro Meats. That stuff rocks!
  13. They could also add for sale $13 million to help cover the costs of the county deficit, or whatever we're in the hole.
  14. I have wanted to do one of these for awhile. Did you just give her the pictures and she scanned them?
  15. I think she made the best decision she could make for her child and who are we to knock it?! I may or may not agree but it's her child, her choice!
  16. Most people dial 911 anyhow. I love how they try to blame GSP for the problem. They must not have any real news to report on.
  17. We received notice about 2 weeks ago. I kept the paper so I'd remember!
  18. I went and got tags this week and they had plenty of them!
  19. I think until they get rid of the good ole boys network going on in Paulding County this mess will continue on it's current path. How do you go into such debt in such a short amount of time? You can blame it on the recession but not all counties are in this position. Look at Douglas County, they're hiring teachers. I know for a fact because two of our teachers just got hired on there!
  20. What's really scary is the problems we have with this generation. Can you imagine what it's going to be like in 20-40 years! Very, very, scary!
  21. What school was this? I like that idea! Some of the best gifts I've received were homemade cards from the kids themselves.
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