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Everything posted by INSANE

  1. Really, what gave it away? Possibly my name?
  2. This makes me very, very sad!
  3. How long before he fires Petraeus? Now if we could only fire Obama!!!
  4. My husband was in the Persian Gulf, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He said for all of you who don't think we're making a difference or shouldn't be there go over and see for yourself.
  5. Thanks, I didn't know that!
  6. They will not keep more than a certain amount in escrow. I don't know why but that's what they've said.
  7. I would be surprised if they let him go. They may have him retire at this point. I think if he fires him they'll be so much bad publicity it just won't be worth it. He's probably already going to go down in history as the wussiest president, just my opinon. His mistake was he told a magazine. Having been married to a military man for 35 years I have heard so many people talk smack about the president, especially this one. The problem is he put it out there in a public forum. Not smart on his part.
  8. I know. So in November when taxes come due they'll be too much money in escrow. They'll give us a check back and lower my mortgage again. Then the following year they'll raise taxes and my mortgage will go up again. I wish the mortgage company could just keep the extra and keep my payments consistent. Thank goodness I only have 5 years left on it.
  9. I love your steaks. You carry top quality!
  10. That I know. My husband did 35 years of service!
  11. Our taxes were paid in Nov. so we won't see any changes in our mortgage until then.
  12. He didn't really say anything that bad. He definitely disagreed with Obama which is a no-no in the military. But, I agree with him!
  13. I'm not sure but it looked like they were putting either a new tank or another tank in the ground.
  14. Thanks y'all for the info. My husband said not to appeal it either. He said it would have nothing to do with the selling price. We're not in the market to sell anytime soon anyhow. I guess we just wait and hope things get better!
  15. I don't understand how ours could go down so much in one year. It's over 3,600 sq ft and it sits on over an acre. I'm definitely going to appeal it.
  16. Mine went from $161,100 to $113,800. This is crazy! They'll probably raise the millage, depreciate houses and still get more money!!!
  17. Maybe they can tell my why I just got my tax bill and my house went from $161,100 to $113,800. I have a 3,600 sq ft house on an acre of land. How the hell do they figure this????? Are they going to increase the millage and depreciate houses to get more taxes??? I'm about done with this freaking county!!!
  18. That's disgusting! You wonder where the people were who are supposed to watch the dressing rooms. Nasty!
  19. You're right, you don't have to tell the officer you were speeding. That's why he has radar/laser. Use those rights and refuse a state adminstered test in Georgia rather it be blood, urine, etc... and lose your license automatically for a year. Bravo!!! I'm done with this topic. The ignorance of some people just amazes me!
  20. The logic of some people is crazy! I got caught doing 11 miles over the speed limit. Could I have fought it? Yes! Did I? No! I was speeding, I got caught and I paid the dang fine. It cost me $90.00. Why tie up the courts docket with a speeding ticket. I WAS WRONG!!! Why does everyone feel the need to fight everything??? If you're caught doing something wrong, pay the dang fine and don't do it again!
  21. I know each state patrol officer issues tickets on the same day a month so he/she can be in court for them. Don't always assume the police won't show up.
  22. Yeah and I believe everything I read too. I'm sure everything in the Nat'l Enquirer and Star magazine are true too! Just don't get in trouble and you won't have to worry about ALL the crooked cops out there!!!
  23. I'm sure according to her and her folks it's wasn't her fault! The police were just picking on her!
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