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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I do not do stockings anymore now that the dd is 15. I just wrap everything up and now have pretty decorative stockings my cousin will not be doing stockings anymore after last years trip to the ER her DS grabbed the stocking and the holder fell down on his head and he needed 7 stitches ( we laugh about it now) She has it on video too... that poor baby
  2. atleast she killed 2 birds with 1 stone... she got her hair did and bought the family tree at the same time. That is her way of savin money
  3. What system and which game( there are a few guitar heros)
  4. I wanna move some place tropical... I LOVE warm weather
  5. my dd opened up all songs... She just googled cheat codes
  6. The tree house looks bigger than the main house... I think I will wait till they put it on clearance...
  7. are you sure it is a Chi ... Ocean scenes just don't sound like chi
  8. if you look up awesome in the dictionary.. Mark's picture is there...yep yep
  9. I didn't think so... I bought one when my Chi went to heaven and ended up taking it back and getting one from Folica.com
  10. I love my chi!!!! I got mine cheap from http://www.folica.com/ they have them right now for $69 with free shipping http://www.folica.com/CHI_Ceramic_Fla_d1.html
  11. prayers for peace and condolence for your family
  12. she went silent... tore her paper up and left the room. after about 5 minutes the nurse came in and told me about her friend that had back pain after she had her ovaries out... I laughed at her ( I got hurt at work so they were trying to tell me I wasn't really hurt) Funny thing when I went to court that was not in my doctor file ( the judge laughed) but I kept good records and had my paper.. I hurt for over a year and a half... 1 trip to the chiropractor and I was amazed at how awesome I felt but workers comp wouldn't allow me to go to see a chiropractor... anyway Resurgeo
  13. yeah... to bad they never fixed me I ended up going to a chiropractor and doing better than ever
  14. Resurgoens told me my ovaries was the issue for my back pain... even showed me an mri to prove it... problem is I haven't had my ovaries in over 6 years
  15. so do you keep going to get away from him cause your scared or do you stop to watch because your confused
  16. My MIL started "grazing" and she lost a ton of wieght
  17. morning... I am gonna go back to bed for awhile I think
  18. CLEANING!!!!! My hubby's department is coming over tonight for a tacky sweater Christmas party I woke up with a sore throat...ugh
  19. Welcome to our dysfunctional Family Happy posting!!!!
  20. pee monkey is fun... my dd had an Itouch and I steal it to play that all the time
  21. 1 pound of GB browned with garlic and oregano dump in a small casserole dish a can of cream of mushroom and your browned GB mix together do a small layer of cheese top that with tater tots then a lot of cheese cook in oven on 35 till tots are done and cheese is melted
  22. in my house size does matter... I don't want no Charlie Brown Christmas tree small frail thingie
  23. good thing that I don't want Anna Nicole on my tree then :snort:
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