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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. all of the gifts to the DD say from Santa all the rest say from ME... everyone knows who Me is by now
  2. I didn't have them wrapped as a kid... my brother had the right side of the tree for his stuff and I had the left. When Santa came for my DD we would wrap some and then leave some unwrapped
  3. I will try and make it at 11..try is the key word
  4. In all my 34 years of livin I have never bought Fatback before until today. I am making greenbeans granny style.... I snapped the beans back this summer and froze some... so I hope they turn out good. I need them for tomorrow night... the recipie says I have to cook them for 4 hours.... I have no clue why 4 hours I guess to cook down all the water but I can't wait to taste them... Greenbeans and okra are my fave
  5. Sadie612


    the my challenge to you is to start some fun... or at least a good thread
  6. Sadie612


    I like stretching room but this is sad...lol I miss chit chatting
  7. Sadie612


    ummmmm...have people forgot how to have fun on this board. I go away for Thanksgiving and come back to Pcom coma
  8. why not when your standing or sitting infront of it just keep opening and shutting your eyes... that is a cheap and easy fix
  9. Boneless Pork Ribs Broccoli and rice
  10. When I was pregnant I craved whoppers, cheese wiz, and beans from taco bell... I would chop up the burgerand mix everything togethr then zap it in the microwave... it was disgusting looking but I loved it
  11. PRAISE GOD I AM NOT PREGNANT !!!!! never claimed I was normal...lol but I am the good kind of odd at least
  12. I saw him eating at Waffle House... he was in plain clothes though and liked his hashbrowns all jacked up!!!!
  13. I treat mine like cash... put it in my wallet and guard it with my life... If you lost the $$$ you would just be out atleast you can get the gift card replaced. My Nephew did lose his Target Gift card I gave him and all I had to do was take my recipt to guest services and they voided out the old GC and gave me a new one right there
  14. I like gift cards... I USE the ones I get!!!
  15. awww but it is Sheldon...gotta love Sheldon Soft Kitty. Warm Kitty. Little ball of fur! Happy Kitty. Sleepy Kitty. Pur Pur Pur
  16. in my head http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni74dcSOG8M
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