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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I always think of the old lady in the commerical who wakes up in the middle of the night annd claps her tv off...
  2. am I ever gonna be able to live the pop rocks thing down
  3. I promise I didn't fix it...maybe I spelled sumfin right for once
  4. I want a gopher grabber too... I don't want a nut geterouter thing though... I would be mad if I got one of those
  5. I didn't correct anything never heard of it
  6. want a Chia Pet for Christmas what odd things do you want?
  7. when I was 5(1980)... My paw paw got his nurses to go to Rich's and buy me a Richie Bear. That the the last gift he gave me... I am 34 and I still sleep with that bear
  8. Sadie612


    I know you can't stop Change...that would be just crazy But I hate it when someone meets someone else and then they change for the worst and they will not listen to others. They also forget about the other friends...just makes me sad... sorry... It is just one of my pet peeves that is all
  9. I really don't know... I am in the South Paulding area
  10. I have too... I have a friend that goes there
  11. that is because I had a brain fart and didn;t do the whole site
  12. Bullard roofing www.bullard.com I love those guys... they are amazing. They even met with my insurance people not once but twice and got everything I needed.. they do also other repairs on the home if ya need it. I stand behind them 100%...
  13. we got fuzzy pj's and snuggies... The temp in the house isn't bad...it is at 63. but hey it worked we got our gas bill last week and it was only $34 and some change with me not working for over a year has made us broke... I wonder if the gas people will have coupons
  14. This is a true story..I am so broke we have yet to cut on our heat ...I tell them the blanket is already paid for..ha
  15. I have so lil get up and go I have decided not to even go to the concert tonight... making it a full fledged PJ day
  16. I am soooo broke that subby repaired my grass cutter for free... he oiled my scissors
  17. I got a concert to go to tonight anyway We went to westridge for 5 years... I love a lot of the people there...we went when it 1st started at Vaughn Elementary school and followed them to EPHS
  18. I am aware of westridge...Thanks for the invite though
  19. west ridge is awesome... to big for me.
  20. sometimes even with coupons the name brands are still more $$$ sometimes not.. it all depends on the sales... also Kroger has started sending my coupons on their store brands too
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