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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. your 1st post and it was an amazing one... I like you already....welcome to pcom
  2. why do people lie... it is still funny even if you didn't take it just share. I had a friend take a pic that I shared earlier that I gave props too... it is ok if you didn't take it just be honest and share away
  3. it has been "floating" around for awhile
  4. this pic has been going around facebook all day still ironic though
  5. the best facebook status goes to smoochiemom today... it cracks me up still Anyone wondering why we are under a boil water notice? Take a peek...thats not YooHoo bubbling up out of the ground what are some funny ones that you saw today?
  6. I don't want to put his info on pcom like that without him knowing
  7. become my friend and it has all the info in the photo of who took it and all..you can just hit the share button when you click on the pic http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3069...teside?ref=name
  8. yes we have... I know some that haven't. I was on the phone with someone who lost everything and was crying. she told me to stop adding to the water problem
  9. a friend posted this pic on their facebook and it touched me I just wanted to share
  10. I just put "I SEE THE SUNSHINE" on my Facebook status
  11. I had an appointment too today but I canceled it yesterday. They asked me why I canceled . I was like seriously??? watch the news we have no way out anyway. we are kind stuck with only like a 5 or 6 mile driving radius But I am thankful/blessed because I see all the flooding and peoples houses gone and I just wanna cry
  12. great job guys!!!! you all get Mayberries
  13. I am here and doing fine!!!! we will be ok as long as the banks to the small( well now bigger) lake holds up. We had a scary morning when a small snake was slithering up my garage door trying to get in. I was able to find enough courage to save the house from that icky thing. The DD was laughing at me and screaming all at the same time while I caught the sucker we looked it up on line it was a baby water moccasin
  14. pajama day for me and the dd
  15. I love love love to cook mine on the grill.. you can't beat the taste that the grill gives it. When I cook mine even if it is raning We still grill it... hubby stand in the rain ...haha
  16. I had to get a new stinkin phone. That battery last most the day. it will last 2 days if I don;t wear it out texting
  17. I am a combo of both...we all have our times of getting depressed but for the most part I am positive
  18. I know what they are but Idk what I am other than ONE BIG HOT FLASH! so I pick no clue what you speak of
  19. that power nap did me good... nope, I didn't mess the hair up. It was still wet and in a towel.. Ha... NOw I gotta get dressed! Have an awesome wet day
  20. ok, I lied... I took a shower and the rain is just making me soooo sleepy so I am gonna go take my nap now for about an hour ... yawn
  21. Morning y'all ...very very sleepy this morning We are heading to church and then a lil nappy nap on this gray looking rainy sunday
  22. My great great great great grandfather use to be the governor of Georgia, was also a Civil War General and brought a not no nice Klan to these parts ( which that part I am NOT proud of)
  23. We went out of the country a few years ago and my DD ran to a phone booth and made us trake her picture and just made a big fuss about it. Me and the DH was like wtheck it is a phone booth... she was like y'all I have never seen one in person...just on the movies
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