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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. the were there a little over a week...vanished the came back for a few more days. They are gone right now but for how long?idk
  2. then don't open those post silly. I have pretty much learned who's post to stay away from
  3. The 3 way stop at Cohran store and Sentor Rd... people drive me crazy running the stop sigh They also drive me crazy putting underwear on the sigh too ugh
  4. this is one reason I only wanted 1 kid when I was little... I was TIRED of taking it from my big brother
  5. When I was 5 year old I remember crawling up in my mom's lap saying I only wanted 1 kid and it was gonna be a girl. I kept my word. I love having a small family!!!! I don;t get her fighting with a sibling and if she gets lonely she calls a friend to come over. I had a miscarriage when she was 3 and due to that I had to have a hysterectomy but we tried for more but it just wasn't meant to be... But I am happy happy happy with only 1.
  6. Fried chicken with Mac and cheese , rolls and a salad
  7. That is the same thing my daughter said I don't like them either... the only kind of good snake is a dead snake
  8. but they taste sooo dang good. We love them on the grill
  9. i got pregnant while I was on the pill... so I guess it never got into my system
  10. lol.. it was awesome... but it was off the record and the stupid journalist leaked it anyway.
  11. I posted it on here yesterday... it was funny and one of the 1st times I have agreed with him
  12. http://www.stumbleupon.com/s/#2QiCn4/www.t...-taylor-swift//
  13. she had on leggins and was trying for the cynde lauper look
  14. Good morning.... hopes today is so much better than the last few days...they have kinda sucked
  15. I can't do lunch for the next few weeks =(
  16. I told her to wear all her bangles but she wouldn't she said it would bother her while she was writing and stuff. I wanted to tease her hair or crimp it but she said no thanks...lol lol but she has the ugly crinoline...she got it out of her great granny's closet who use to be big into square dancing..ha SPHS
  17. got pic to finally work... not to big of hair...just a big skirt thinkiemabob
  18. rest of story here http://www.wsbtv.com/news/20903743/detail.html
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