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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. lol... poor thing... were you tired of answering
  2. Morning y'all... I am getting dressed to take the DD to work this morning
  3. We have found someone that my parents and I agreed one... so hopefully things will be ok. I would rather have my parents than their stuff though
  4. I told my parents to get someone that is not in the family to be the executor because my brother is a Butt to deal with when they are alive.... I don't want to deal with him when they are gone.
  5. Thanks LR...That sounds awesome.... Let me know. Because everything that is happening with my mom my DD is fussing at us to get a will.Not that she will get anything other than debt lol. BUt some stupid family member was telling the dd that if something happened to us that she was gonna go live with them. My dd texted me freaking out that I need to have a will to make sure she doesn't go to those people.. But that CD sounds awesome. I will have it back to you quickly and I might get to actually met you this time
  6. I have a copy of my parents will, I also know where it is in their house, their lawyer has it and a copy in the safty deposit box. I guess they wanted to make sure I knew where they would be at all times. Along with that info I have codes, account numbers and keys. I guess I need to get my rear in gear and get a will made for the Dh and I Does anyone on pcom do wills? to answer your question.. Yes she broke the law when she lied in court.
  7. I hear it during the day, games and practices. we leave during home games where do you live?
  8. hmmmm, Do I know you...lol That is what we are doing...see the post above yours
  9. then that really isn't sharing silly!!!
  10. The opening scene in the movie which shows Christine being "born" in Detroit was added in for the movie, the scene does not appear in the Stephen King novel.
  11. well then you fond a game you like and I will learn it ...to beat you I am sucking at Bejewled this week. Hav you tried that Chain RNX or filler... Deewee is kicking my but in those
  12. gotta love what the 80's does... I remember a friend doing this and she could shake her head with out clanging
  13. lol... I am sorry. you will beat me onday ..I promise. Words that apply has the highest score on Farkle so far this week on my page... Your daughter cracked me up when she added me to Fb just so she could play against me... so I don't get blamed for anything else ( I already get blamed for tooo much , just ask the witch) open multi tabs so you can visit each page in between rolls or something lol... bring it
  14. The pool is small and only allows 2 people plus a therapist in at the same time. I do land and aqua Therapy here. The pool has the swimming jets and a treadmill...very cool treadmill If your doc says you need it you can get insurance to help you pay for it. I do not know the cost put front because Insurance takes care of mine Orthosports number is 770-975-1139 Lisa is my favorite Aqua Therapist and Beth is my favorite Land Therapist it is off 41 on acworth due west road also if you have aches and pains invest in some Biofreeze ...it is the It isn
  15. I have been a Paraprofessional for 6 years. But I have been out on sick leave for over a year in that time I became a master pcommer and FB gamer
  16. 1 hols in each ear only..boring I know I don't want tats. I like Change in fashion to much and I don't want something I can not take off easily BUt the DH wants to get a wedding band tat for him. I told him I like his gold on JJUST fine
  17. I go to Orthosport but it is a physical Therapy place. I do Aqua and Land. Love it the only con is it is off Acworth Due west about 30 miles away from me
  18. I ain't gonna lie.. I screamed too . The dog ran and hid and the dd came running down the stairs to see what was going on
  19. Sadie612


    you pcommers are all crazy
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