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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I thought the same thing until My hubby won a trip at work... it was the best vacation we have ever been on...so we took another in Feb and are planning to do another in 2010. you are not stuck on the boat the whole time... plus there is so much to do and see while on the boat and it is truley a vacation you can relax on. you also do get stuck in one place... you get to travel to many and see the sites.
  2. yep... meee too... that is what I was trying to say ..lol I just don't care if they wear a wig or what color their hair is just as long as the people with man parts use the men's room and all that jazz
  3. well then that would rule out most the Ethnic population because many wear weaves or wigs Like I said before ... color your hair, wear a hat... regardless I don't want to share a Bathroom with a man. Heck I don't want to even share a batyhroom with my own hubby most the time I guess another way to put it is that I have no clue anymore what my original hair color is but I am sure as all get out as to what I have ( or lack there of) between my legs so just because I color my hair should I not be able to potty
  4. I don't care what color hair you have but I do care what bathroom you use
  5. Roasted a Chicken, Stuffin , Mashed taters and green beans I felt like a comfort food meal
  6. I find it extra funny cause my hubby sent it to me ...hahaha
  7. we drove to dville last night to eat there and use my burger Q... The DD and I were there last month and was shocked it was gone. But to think about it hardly anyone was in there everytime we went. so we ended up eating at O'Charley's
  8. A Walk To Remember gets me every time...awesome movie Pay It Forward is one of those makes me teary eyed movies too My Girl was one of the 1st movies that ever made me cry
  9. sending prayers your way We are going to the fox to see Rain tonight... I hate the Beatles but My daughter thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread
  10. don't do it... .It will cost ya more The clothes and blanket are already paid for...the heat isn't haha
  11. they laughed even harder when I guzzled down water only to remember afterward that water doesn't help It was making in hotter ... I never though I was gonna stop sweating... I love hot stuff but that is just tooo muuuuch hotness for me
  12. I LOVE hot stuff too...Jalepeno's are awesome but Habenaro's are.... wow. It was to much... haha My hubby videoed the sweat beads that formed on my face...hahaha He deleted it trying to post it to faceboook... It was kinda funny. I was in distress
  13. That Habanero Peppers are not my friend just a tad bit to spicy... My friends laughed at me
  14. Morning!!! My husband is actually off work today so we are having a family date... woot woot You guys have an awesome day..see ya later tonight
  15. I had that melt down Wednesday when mine got her learners permit
  16. There is a how to wake up yopur GF thread...made me laugh...I scared the dog when I snorted
  17. Nope, That is why my parents moved to Alabama :cray:
  18. I have had them everywhere too ... we had what I thought to be a plauge of them at my house after the flood they freaked me out... I thought one was a baby snake
  19. I saw the 1st video and it said 28 girls have died... 28 out of a million....how many lives has it saved though...some how people dwell on the bad remember people are quick to post the negative..... they are a lot slower in posting positives
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