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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. The thing is, politics is frickin' dirty (see: commissioners' race, post 2 and post 4). It takes a strong person to put up with that sort of crap. I don't think Barnes lost to Perdue because of an education thing, although he did have his plans. He lost because he hacked off every freakin' body in the state - the teachers (and he said he could get re-elected without them), the southern culture crowd (over the flag), and just about everybody else (by behaving like a monarch, which got him named King Roy). I don't think his plans would have made one bit of difference in education, primar
  2. HOLY CRAP!!! I think I'd have had a heart attack at the first glimpse!
  3. Preston also practices law, but can't speak to any management abilities/experience. I'm voting for Handel, but not because of Palin. (I don't dislike her; I just make my own decisions.) I just can't bear the thought of voting for Deal - the ultimate career politician. Also, IMHO, the Gingrich endorsement is a negative. Gingrich also endorsed that nutcase liberal in NY-23 who dropped out and endorsed the even nuttier liberal Democrat (after the RNC had spent nearly $1M on her campaign). I gotta say - I'm finding myself more and more displeased with the candidates from which we have
  4. I was gonna say something about the 25-lb. Dachshund, but I think I'll just back right on out now.
  5. I still say those believing a conspiracy and cover-up by the gooberment are giving government officials WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much credit. GW was the stupidest man on earth but he orchestrated this elaborate plot to start a war to avenge his father and/or for oil? And if for oil, what does that even mean, and how could it have possibly have worked in our favor? It certainly hasn't helped at the pump, I know that. Yes, I do believe there were MEGA screw-ups in many areas that day. The radio communications amongst the firemen in the towers; the scrambling of the jets too late; the apparent la
  6. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thank you! That is the funniest thing I've read all week. hahahahahahahahahahaahhahaaa
  7. Oh, goodie...we do love a good popo-bashing first thing in the morning. Interesting to see the charges...in reading the account, I couldn't really figure out what he did that was especially illegal. Creepy and disconcerting, yes, and would have gotten him a shoot to the head if he'd caught me in a mood, but illegal? I dunno. Sounds like more areas may be interested in him, though. And perhaps there's a reason he's a FORMER deputy, if that's correct.
  8. mei lan

    I DOSE

    Yeah, I think somebody figured out a new way to fleece dimwits.
  9. Did it ever!!!!! He didn't count on Zell havin' a come-to-Jesus moment after being around those morons in DC (esp. after 9/11). I love Zell.
  10. Well, your SIL obviously didn't know of the golden rule that doctors are God and you're not. I know there are good ones out there (I have one), but some of them honestly really think they could teach God a thing or two. Add in a jerk of a personality, and voila'. He is the one who is showing his behind here, not her. Oh, and btw - if she didn't show it upset her, he wouldn't get any enjoyment out of it. I must say, though - it's not just limited to doctors. I have been called names by the worst of them. It really upset me at first. Then I realized that I am valuable, and if they can
  11. IIRC, Roy also told the teachers he didn't need their votes to get re-elected in 2002. He had a $20M war chest (with commercials running every minute of every day on every channel) and Sonny had a $1M war chest. It was funny to watch the bidness leaders who had kow-towed to Roy go running to suck up to Sonny after the election. heh If Deal wins the run-off, I truly don't know who I'll vote for. I can't see voting for Roy, but stranger things have happened. Hey - Zell Miller is a changed man...maybe Roy could have changed as well. (I doubt it, but I've been wrong before.)
  12. Hank's best quality is that he ain't Cynthia McKinney. Jesus could run as a Republican in that district and not get elected. It's parts of DeKalb, Gwinnett and Rockdale (not just Rockdale).
  13. Not to mention free votes for Democrats across the board.
  14. Can we just get a do-over in this race already? I'm one of those who doesn't want (reeeeeeeeeeeally doesn't want) to vote for either of these yahoos. sigh
  15. Inquiring minds want to know - what do you want to alter it to? Draw pics on it? Make it say Raulding?
  16. Yeah, I expect this to get dicey before all is said and done. Ye gods.
  17. I didn't see any sign about Cox at my polling place (Russom), but maybe there was and I didn't see it. I already knew, and didn't vote for her. Man, that DA thing is suckage. sigh
  18. I'm voting for Preston Smith for AG...I know some folks in Rome who know him and they say he's a straight-up guy. Also stood up to the Republican leadership in the House over something he didn't like and got busted down a notch by the Speaker for it. I like that in a person. Could not agree more on Deal...UGH! I wish it had been Eric Johnson in the #2 spot, because if Deal wins the run-off, daaaaaaaang...that's gonna be hard on me. I loathe Roy Barnes, so I don't know what I'd do. Megadittos on Oxendine - down in flames, indeed. 4th place. Hallelujah! Now, go away, Ox. Oh
  19. Yep - I take everything to these guys...they take vouchers from like a dozen charities including Shepherd's Rest. I have taken them more than a few toys, and will be taking some more.
  20. AGREED wholeheartedly on the Saudis. Maybe the powers that be know something I don't, but I'm guessing it's the elite governing for us because they know best. I don't know that I'm MORE concerned about Chavez, et al, but I'm at least as MUCH concerned about them.
  21. HA! You must be referring to the infamous hemorrhoid episode. OH, that made my teeth hurt just to hear about it, and esp. the horrible customer service he got at the hosp. I should think one person you wouldn't want to diss in a situation like that would be a person with a multi-miiiion listener day program. heh
  22. I don't see anything wrong with watching it, but I just had better things to do with my time last night. Also, in this matter, I'm just the least bit lazy (inasmuch as I don't believe the gooberment could have possibly engineered such a massive undertaking, and then kept it secret...are you kidding me?), I prefer to let someone else do the leg work and I read/watch their summary (Popular Mechanics, Penn & Teller, et al). FWIW, I was working with a number of architects and engineers during the 9/11 time period, and on that morning, every one of them - especially the structural engineers -
  23. Gotta love his perspective. On the radio this morning, he was mocking the lib blogs which said he's using this as a ratings grab. So he was pretend-crying and saying stay tuned because he may go blind in the next 15 minutes, and they were playing sad, treacly music. hahahahahaa I respect him for standing up for the principles of freedom as he does.
  24. See what YouTube has...I find that this is a GREAT resource! I was looking for how to crochet a particular stitch that I couldn't understand from reading about it, and lo, there it was on YouTube. Who knew?!
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